I want to go electric but they are not cheap enough yet...if you bought it you wouldn’t get the “rewards” of savings from no gas for like 10 years...I like to lease it then forget it.
I want to go electric but they are not cheap enough yet...if you bought it you wouldn’t get the “rewards” of savings from no gas for like 10 years...I like to lease it then forget it.
the protein/fat/carbs breakdown of that meal is excellent! alot of salt overall but not spread out over a day..
hells yeah!
I”m generally with you here - nice to taste the creamy salty unctiousness of good feta (must be good feta though). I would apply this to most fres, good ingredients...tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers...etc.
its nice to have choices
never thought of that...thanks!!
introverts - or more likely certain lonely people (increasingly a larger proportion of all of us) w/o a family or friends at the moment who do not wish to be the pariah eating alone at the restaurant for every single meal....
Yes it's fake obviously ?
what’s up w/ all the kids w/ food allergies. is it real or pschological? anyone have a good link that explains it. to my old-ish brain, it seems weird that now kids are allergic all over the place but you never heard of it 20+ years ago.
yes sorry you had some suggestions, that’s true.
respectfully...you know there is 8 billion-ish people in the world? there is no harm in someone trying something different on occasion...statistically I think your “purist” ideal will continue on regardless. Not sure why so many people feel so “purist” about things...mixing things up is how you find new things...and…
respectfully...you know there is 8 billion-ish people in the world? there is no harm in someone trying something different on occasion...statistically I think your “purist” ideal will continue on regardless. Not sure why so many people feel so “purist” about things...mixing things up is how you find new things...and…
I”m so with you here. I personally (personally! not trying to tell others how to live their lives) dislike when form reduces function. I’ll make a carve-out exception for something that, despite not being as good as alternatives, produces fun....
any lower carb subs for the noodles? pls don’t say zucchini noodles....ghastly....
I think a population decline isn’t a bad thing from the cows perspective considering the alternative.
so books are basically good for reading once then becoming furniture. assuming you don’t read to many books, marie kondo wouldn’t mind.
it is definitely better for the cows though...lol.
that can be a good thing. I actually usually care too much (though not in the way you think...I worry about people’s feelings too much...like are the comfortable etc...not whether they are judging me or not...and I need to work on that too...I think it is a good habit, a gentleman’s habit, but I tend to go too far).
and so it continues...people seclude themselves voluntarily in smaller and smaller bubbles in order to avoid the “other”
vets deserve respect, no doubt. but I agree it doesn’t make any sense in this context.