my experience is that impossible is better, in that it tastes as good (I’ve heard better) to real meat-eaters (open minded ones anyway) but that beyond burger tastes good more to non-meat eaters as it tastes more like a traditional veggie burger.
my experience is that impossible is better, in that it tastes as good (I’ve heard better) to real meat-eaters (open minded ones anyway) but that beyond burger tastes good more to non-meat eaters as it tastes more like a traditional veggie burger.
are burritos an american nachos?
or - keep fasting and give your tum tum a rest.
here here. so now it isn’t ok for older people to (I think rightfully) have more sense and knowledge than younger people? when has this happened?
am I completely insane or does cracking a joke like “man we’ve been here for hours, you guys need to start handing out some free booze” a completely innocuous statement, that, depending on how he said it, couple actually be completely jovial and even meant in a “we’re all in this together” chear us all up manner? And…
any New Yorkers here able to explain to me the appeal of the locally “loved” homestyle potatoes...which seem to be basically sloppy mashed potatoes with a tiny bit of crispiness in places (if you ask them to). I mean...they are most just a pile of oily mashed potatoes?
hash browns and american cheese on top of spicy curry Ramen
can I wear these as an adult man? or does that mean I’ve demonstrated losing the genetic lottery?
I’m with you. I think HIIT and weights are important, and speak to your health, and I think long bike rides (etc) are also important and say something profound about your fitness (and thus healthiness) level....but I think that message gets garbled into what people are trying to research when trying to lose…
wow - I am going to internalize this - despite all this knowledge I was still thinking exercise is a poor but necessary way to burn calories...but now I will think of it as a completely different skill set (fitness) and let me unwind it form my calorie counts.
I think he just means its people coming in and slamming you for calorie restrictions and “just lift heavy” impugning....when it is all a delicate balance.
what?!>!?!?!>!>?!!> wow I totally believe this but I thought this was the (you are right it is a bro-quote) holy grail of losing weight where anonymous bros come into threads and tell you to stop fasting/dieting and lift heavy. I mean, cardio and weights are super good/important, but definitely it seems not for losing…
that’s racist!! but seriously - I’m indian and I have the reverse problem - too spicy and you can’t taste anything....on a 1-to-10 in a japanese curry place - I’m comfrtably at 2. and at Indian restuarants, if its a place white people don’t go often, I need to tell them “baby mild” which is humiliating....I eat hot…
aha! now that is good to know thx!
unless its a Jam you can’t otherwise buy, I see no point to buying frozen fruit and then making your own jam....I mean if you are going to make it personal, might as well go all in? I made some marmalade recently from leftover about to spoil oranges I lugged back on a flight from florida....that is the best time to…
ah so there are practical considerations but otherwise no “extra” money/fees/interest you necessarily pay (and it sounds like prepaying may theoretically lose you some interest income).
so like this year I had to pay like a slightly painful lump sum to the fed (they’ll deduct it from my account all at once) and not counting for what I’ll get back from my State, but for the coming year the accountant told me to prepay on a quarterly basis pay these not insignificant that wise…
this is going to sound stupid maybe - but what is the purpose of pre-paying rather than paying in April? Are you paying interest on it? Or just that we don’t want a surprise tax hit in one lump sum? (like I did this year)?
I’m totally with you. and frankly, something that is bothering me is that, despite supposedly trying to turn fantasy convention on its head, the big bad dark power is still just a generic evil force. shouldn’t we shift frame of reference and see it from the white walker’s side? don’t they have issues and loves and…
What about when the oldest sibling is a total wanker?