
I used Amazon - so much easier.  I do like browsing asian, indian, and other ethnic stores though.  but on amazon I was able to lock it in w/o worry.

I prefer to only Lease cars. They all break down after a while. I’d rather just have the nice hassle free part. For ownership, I’d do a CPO or investigated purchase of a used car that checks out and if it is a nice little treasured indulgence you will keep forever.

what I think I would like is a big empty boxes that I can secure ikea furniture to the floorbed in a manner of my chooising...take your 3rd row and shove it - I have a chaise lounge in here sir...

sounds delish until the unfathomable “peanut butter must be smooth” maneuver.  Smooth peanut butter is for children.

I’m w/ you on frosting. I’ve heard jokes (possibly not jokes) that cupcakes are merely a frosting delivery medium...but I think people put way too much of it.  and frankly I’d be fine w/ none. I want to taste the cake.  I especially hate when you get  acake w/ thick frosting with layers and layers of thick

so maybe this is a newb question but do you make black garlic or buy it?

now I have to play this game just for this skin.

it would be eerily like Tolkein’s last minute entry of the army of Eagles into the war for Lonely Mountain.  I like it.

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I’m not a millenial (gen X baby) but other than the whole snowflake stuff...what is “average millennial mindset” - I’m trying to understand why all the hate for millenial far as I can tell they just like food and like good food particularly. not sure why avocado toast gets all the hate. I certainly like

beyond burger isn’t that great (I never order it actually....the best of the old guard is either Morningstar Grillers Prime, or Gardein patties...but Beyond sausage, I got it from whole foods where it is in the refrigerated section and looks pinky and meaty...that is good.). But the new sexy is here: Impossible Burger

I think the size of the zones is less important that how they use them.... :/

I think the size of the zones is less important that how they use them.... :/

Beyond Sausage - fried up w/ some onions til they have a little ‘snap! they (have possibly) converted my sister in law into entertaining partial vegetarianism.

good answer.  now I will catch you later - I’m going to go eat some veggie sausages....

you know what would taste amazing?  pizza crust dipped in..... japanese curry sauce !!  holy shitake I think I just heard a choir singing....I need to go patent!!!

nah brah - just because the world isn’t lining up with someone’s perceptions? its big big big out there - the long tail governs most things nowadays - and notions of consensus (or of a one right answer) are slippery hill to balance on. anyone thinking they have the one true take on something is bound to have a rough

I think you quips are a little dated. I’m from Long Island (sadly...but hey, at least it isn’t Jersey!) and you don’t see that, aside from perhaps a local classic car showing you see once in a while where the old timers break out their led zeplin t shirts and complain about all the brown people taking over, but you do

I wonder which “cool” rides that we have that the Euro’s don’t get!!

yeah but we don’t have an affordable super fun to drive small cross over...the macan would be the closest, but I would guess much more expensive.

i need the wrx wagon back