
Did the CEO of BMW in 1974 have a cult of personality that worshipped everything he said?

The sad part is that without looking it up, I really can’t decide if this is fake or very plausible.

In addition to the info Rockwell gave, there is also the divide between Sport climbing and Trad climbing. Sport climbing routes have anchor points already established via drilling holes into the rock face and attaching a permanent clip-in point for climbers to use as they work their way up a face. Trad (Traditional)

This is by no means a sign that the Rockets will go on to win the series. As well as Houston played, the Warriors seemed affected by the team boredom that occasionally showed up in the regular season, and that will likely go away as they return to the Bay Area

They aren’t the same article. Lauren’s is just a recap whereas Barry’s is a more in-depth analysis of adjustments Vegas made to stifle the Jets. This site allows both writers to write at length instead of having to be concise. And it’s 3 stories now and it’s all great content.

You mean “Old Man LeBron and the Mediocre Four”?

Defense lawyer here. At a grand jury proceeding there is no rules of evidence and no defense attorney. It’s a closed door proceeding. Ever heard the phrase, “you can indict a ham sandwhich?” It basically means that a prosecutor can get an indictment behind closed doors on anyone for anything. So it has no

A good band photo should be a mix of dudes looking cool/tough along with one being indifferent/bored. I give you:

Crosby is one of a handful of guys in league history who you could put on a line with a literal pylon with a stick taped to it for a full season and the pylon would end up with at least 15 points.

Because of parallax angles, I don’t think that puck crossed the goal line.

I think the poo splashback he refers to is what happens upon flushing.  This problem has an easy fix! SHUT THE DAMN LID.  I have always been a lid closed pre-flush person and I cannot understand why there are people that do not do this.

Your answer to the guy with the vaguely annoying friend-of-fiencee was the best answer, Albert. It was the very, very best answer. It was a real-life answer, the answer of a wise real-life man. It should be read by all members of all marriages, because there’s something in it for everyone.

Thank you for that answer.

Right around here, some save truther is going to rush to the comments to yell about how Couture shot the puck directly at Fleury’s glove, and I don’t want to hear it.

Great story! He really endeared himself to the Vegas fans as well. A Facebook friend of mine showed up at a stick-and-puck session at the rink, and there was Fleury in net, letting all the novice players have a go at him. She said she practically hyperventilated when she got to take a shot.

Fleury vs the Pens.

Marvin Harrison is my #2 all time on my list of “Good guy” athletes who turned out to be not good guys. OJ is still the king, but Harrison has put up quite a body of work.

“Terez Owens could play a little himself back in the day.”

my only regret in life is that i won’t be around to watch that bitch ass sun burn out, i guess i could move out of the hot ass desert, but it’s already like 194 degrees outside and i don’t feel like it right now.

Garbage take: the two-time defending Stanley Cup Champions, who still have the best 1-2 center lines in the entire NHL and a goalie who won those two cups as a rookie, that has not seen much turnover since successive cup runs, is “not that good”.