The difference between software and your table is that if your table starts to wobble, the manufacturer doesn't push out a new patch to fix the shorter leg.
The difference between software and your table is that if your table starts to wobble, the manufacturer doesn't push out a new patch to fix the shorter leg.
the problem with recommended suggestions, or any pattern based behavioral system, is that it's just that: a pattern.
@tasteskindasalty: wow. nice way to work your bible hate into a reply to a missile comment.
according to appbrain, i've spent about $50-60 bux on android apps in the last two years. not a LOT of money imo, but honestly, I'd be happy to buy a lot of apps if the quality on the majority of paid android apps stepped it up a notch.
the slowed version is actually pretty awesome (sounds haunting / spacey) the regular made my ears, nose and throat bleed. a lot.
"set alarm" does not work on Sense UI (Evo 4g) says to download latest version (which is unavailable) in the market.
On the plus side, HTC added a Batch send feature for images in the gallery. click "share" and you can check all the images you wanna email. that's my #1 favorite addition followed closely by the auto-updating apps.
It seems the iPhone 4 isn't the problem here, I vote for softer concrete!
I had no idea it took so many people to run that company. I'd like to see a chart that plots the growth of the company as compared to the growth in popularity of twitter useage.... then again I'm sure they're both hockey sticks...
@Centella: Haha! What next? A video of the contents of his garage and where to insert a paperclip to pop the lock?
Guess the secrets out now that it's on youtube. I wonder how hard it is to reprogram that bitch?
"This chart should be a single rectangle with "helvetica" written inside it."
@Variatas: RoN/RoL was not a RTS for the feint of heart. Lots of complex tech trees and resource management to learn. IMO RoN felt like an AoE2 mod. RoL felt pretty unique tho.
@MidnightMarvel: Not all Age games were the same.
@Overide Silex: AoE2 was the business. but in reality you had to wait for "points" to buy troops; you had to have enough gold and food (or wood and food for archers and pikemen).
"Company of Heroes with Space Marines"
@WheresWaldo: As an Evo owner, I thought perhaps I'd return my phone and get a Droid X, however the more I read about the choices Motorola made, the more I'm happy with my phone. I just wish HTC wouldn't have stiffed us early buyers by taking off the stock Launcher. Also I'd kinda want more internal storage (1gig's…
doesnt google maps / places already do this?
I'd let "superphone" slide if the N1 had: