
Instead of using coinbase, use gdax (their sister company) to save yourself some fees. There’s a couple of videos on youtube explaining how to do it.

Yeah yeah. Everything is scam. I don’t get paid and they get charge. But, would you rather pay so they can save your life or save money and avoid the donation and then die?

Yes. I am o negative. And yes, they will call me and email a lot when I’m due even though I’ve done it more than 30 times.

Type o negative? That’s mine.

Yes please. Have you seen the questions they ask you when you go and donate? Some of them are so obsolete they don’t make sense. They should focus on rethinking their way so more healthy people can donate. That way they can give me a break (6 emails and 2 phone calls in less than a week 😑)

Have you seen The Raid 2? The last fight scene is my favorite scene of any movie so far. The music in the background starts going faster as the fight goes to the distance.

I’m assuming you don’t speak Spanish so I’ll help you put it under better context:

The second video is hard to watch. Be advised.

0-5. You heard me

Buy the laminated paper and use an iron. No need for laminator

That sucks

Billy Haisley has asked for privacy during this difficult time

I didn’t deny that. He’s awesome. I’m taking about the drama

Neymar is the Lonzo Ball of soccer. Sketchy dad and everything

Dip the dick in bleach. Wash and rinse. Season accordingly

The raid 2 would like to have a word with you

“I’m Mr. Meeseks look at me” is all said yesterday.

Mexican style grilled hot dog, grilled bun, grilled onion, wrapped in bacon, ketchup, mustard, pickle jalapeños and mexican cream.

Now porn makes more sense

But Petyr doesn’t like meetings