Rochelle Rochelle

He’s most likely reached the age of “don’t give a fuck”. That magical time in out lives when we realize our own mortality, and the total and utter insignificance of our existence. When nothing really matters, who cares?

you should be ashamed of yourself. take your damn star.

Yeah but Clinton bombed some empty aspirin factory trying to take out some made-up person named Osama bin Laden. We all saw right through that one!

Correct! Like you know how sometimes in a crowd your hand brushes a boob or butt by accident? The correct response is not to settle in, honk, and crack a joke. It’s to leap back with a horrified look and hold your filthy traitor hands to your chest.

Agree. If he’s all there mentally then absolutely no excuses. But I’d be interested to know if he is suffering from any age-related mental conditions. Research has shown your normal inhibitions and behaviors can erode in deep old age.

To be honest, in the picture above at least it appears Mr. Bushs’ arm physically doesn’t rise much higher than that anymore. Whether or not he’s being a dirty old perv is hard to say.

I know that every time I’ve been groped, it has been such a calming and relaxing experience... /s (obviously).

I’m not saying it’s appropriate. But he’s clearly not well, likely suffering from dementia, and has no sense of boundaries anymore. I’d hold those around him in charge of his care more accountable. Time to stop putting him in these situations and let the matter, and hm, die.

Clearly grab-ass is inappropriate touching, but I have trouble with it being referred to by the same term (sexual assault) that encompasses grabbing the breasts or genitalia, and of course non-consensual penetration (whether with the penis, a digit, or a foreign object) of an orifice. (Cue “Lust for Life.”) I get that

“To try to put people at ease

A kinder, gentler serial abuser.

Ugh, the “people are pretending to like this movie I wasn’t so hot on” fallacy. Is that now acceptable because we’re on Kinja and thus have devolved?

I’ve seen three Star Trek movies that prove otherwise, to me. Don’t get me wrong I think he has talent and I don’t dislike him. I just thinks Kelvinverae Kirk didn’t have a lot to work with

Serviceable for being a foreigner with a good grasp of english but not necessarily the deep nuance of it. It’s clear she’s a nice person and the characters she plays seem to be a genuine aspect of who she is. That being said, she isn’t effervescent or all that interesting beyond that.

Reeve was so great in the scene in Lois’s apartment where he went from Clark Kent to Superman and back, carefully showing his physical work without showing off.

....You mean Felicity Jones, lmao. So bland you confused her with the better actress!

I’d actually argue that Urban’s party-impression-of-DeForest-Kelley portrayal of McCoy is really the perfect choice in a lot of ways (helped/balanced by other cast members choosing very different directions), but I agree about Pine. He only very rarely, and very lightly, hits the Shatner word-emphasis pedal, while at

Reeve was NOT limited as hell. He’s the ONLY actor who has pulled off being both Clark Kent and Superman in a way that it was fairly plausible nobody would suspect Clark of being Superman, and it was all in Reeve’s choices as an actor. A vastly underrated performance and actor. Gadot has charisma and sometimes that’s

I think someone needs a Snickers!

I’m just remembering how this ferociously awful Kinja system was developed by post-Soviet Hungarians in Hungary by Nick Denton because that’s where disgraced and defeated Gawker founder Nick Denton’s family is from. A proprietary format they “developed” and is such a piece of nasty bad shit. Kinja is the fucking