Rochelle Rochelle

Many Christians voted for Trump, because many of them literally thought he was like god. It doesn’t get more excuse worthy / awful then that

Sure. I’m about as non-profit as it gets.

It’s also apparently $4 million less than he offered for Obama’s birth certificate.

Hurricanes can’t melt steel beams!

I seem to recall some years back that Rick Perry, then Texas gov, threatened secession over the ACA. Funny to see them now begging for every scrap of assistance they can get.

As far as taxes go, last week I was musing on the fact that Texas has a huge number of extremely wealthy residents, but no state income tax.

The waddling orange meatbag will never actually “donate” anything, ever. It’s highly unlikely he even HAS a “million dollars” to spare. The freakish gasbag is NOT a “billionaire”, in fact it’s far, far more likely that he is actually hundreds of millions of dollars in debt...again...and that his Russian benefactors

since when has his optics ever negatively affected his core base?

That’s no idle quote. That’s the basis for true Corporate Social Responsibility. Not egotistical posturing which is Trump’s default stance. He can’t even satisfy Friedman’s ethical responsibilities, the bare fucking minimum for an executive: creating wealth for your shareholders. He is worst at business in any

Harvey is a false flag operation designed to defund the border wall... At least that’s what I heard from some gay frogs...

He said he’ll donate a “million dollars”. Understand that as far as he’s concerned it’s already done, he “donated a million dollars”. It’s how he is and how he’s always been. He just says things and then proceeds as if the thing happened, even if there’s boundless evidence that it did not. Call him out on it and he’ll

Regardless of how he donates this whole situation is the perfect example of the old “ If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim” quote.

Billionaire Michael Dell is going to give $36m to start a charity for Harvey, with the goal of raising $100m. I’m guessing Trump will raise enough to tip the skycap on his next trip.

So, surprise, he donated it to me. I’m a registered Democrat who voted for Clinton, and nowhere near Texas, so it’s quite the kerfuffle. But hey, he’s new at this, give the guy a break.

If this was Parks and Rec, Yttrium would be an Eagletonian. Except somehow in this darkest timeline, Pawnee has been absorbed into Eagleton.

Yes, and it doesn’t highlight so you can’t tell if you’ve clicked on it already.

They want you to click on Jezebel first.

I don’t even have a snarky comment to show my agreement. It’s that bad.