You shouldn’t flippantly assume your readers agree with your political views. Writing blatantly biased stuff like this will invariably offend about half your audience.
You shouldn’t flippantly assume your readers agree with your political views. Writing blatantly biased stuff like this will invariably offend about half your audience.
Always a cheap shot at oil companies! Oil generates very little electricity in the U.S., so is not in competition with wind, solar, and hydro power. In fact, the oil companies are heavy investors in them.
The writers in liberal media (like Kinja) seem to forget that in most counties in the U.S., Trump won 60 to 70% of the vote. That means a huge percentage of their (your) readers basically support what Trump is doing. Liberal press coverage has been incessantly negative toward him since the election, ignoring the…
Pipelines are by far the safest way to transport oil, gas, and other chemicals. The alternatives are trucks or trains, and the risk there is obvious. Stopping pipelines isn’t “environmental progress,” it’s “moving backwards in safety.”