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    He’s a talk show host, not a team beat reporter, so how is not being allowed in the press box and locker room going to ruin his career?

    He’s a public figure because he’s a college athlete. Just like Lonzo Ball is a public figure, just like that reporter most of Sacramento doesn’t even know is a public figure.

    and the GOlden Girl just lost too.......

    and the GOlden Girl just lost too.......

    Actually the first guy he lost to has more UFC experience than Gall. Dude needs to fight back at 155 and not keep trying 170.

    definitely wasnt clearing the puck,he raised his hands to celebrate for a hot second then realized what happened

    so maybe the problem is letting the player’s go out there when they should be sitting, but not the remedy to make pain go away.

    Nope I did not see a football move! Doesn’t matter defense was offside anyway.

    ehhh you still gotta make the shot

    LOL. Is this the same guy who said Tom Herman to LSU would be announced Saturday last week?

    Sounds like ticket sales office needed to bump #’s and did so under the guise of a JOb Fair. Very unfair and unprofessional.

    The way the UFC treats fighter’s he’s a godsend for now. Everyone makes more money because of him.

    HRC lost because she got demolished my white non college educated voters. Blame the absurd costs of higher education. Forget 0% of the black vote, Trump got 8 and I thought i heard 30% roughly of Latinos in Florida. If more people had degrees Trump would’ve lost.

    They’re not banned right? Season-long credentials revoked, so they just have to request one for individual games whenever they do show right? Sounds like just an extra hoop to go through, but the same everyone else who isn’t a beat reporter of team faces, ain’t it?

    Gotta love the double talk. Hey those guys have nothing to do with else.......but PLEASE take that video down!! Those guys make us look bad!!!

    haahah the manager didn’t snitch because he’d probably get reprimanded too for letting it happen under their nose.

    probably already dad. based on journal entries he realizes he has a problem. At least it sounds like he’s making an attempt to fix himself.

    maybe he yelled truck

    that’s how they’re going to pay some of the fines!

    yikes,they’ll probably get her a bodyguard for a while.