
Not really. It’s been shown a few times in cycling and motorcycling that in the absence of an aerodynamic fairing, laying prone provides a huge, like double digit percentages, reduction in aero drag.

Came in to say the same thing. Even as a kid (I was 8), I understood two important things about this scene:

Hey, I bet Thomas could play a grown-up, broken adult version of his Cloak & Dagger, character, consumed with guilt over all the horrible things he’s done for the last thirty-odd years. Kind of like Hackman in The Conversation meets Zero Charisma.

In the giant hole in the other side of the seat?...

That's where I was too. Go Navy!

I disagree. It would be nice to have a car that I could start in the garage at 5am going out for an early morning drive without waking up my whole family.

It’s unfortunate that some of these aren’t larger. I got really excited about new wallpaper.

The vegan police will be there any minute to take away his vegan powers.

I really hope that there are some hipster places that open up that try to serve it “rustic and traditional”. From my research into kava kava decades ago, traditionally the root was chewed up by virgins in the village and spit...yes, spit, back into a large container. You would then drink from that large container. SO

Old guy here from the ‘50s... 7-up was used a lot with sick children. When nothing else would stay down, it would. This is before Pedialyte, Gatoraid, and any commercially available nutrient drinks. The 7-up back then was made with cane sugar and had no caffeine. The drink was well tolerated, and the carbonation

The Duke of Windsor had hops.

Any time I read these stories, I think: how big was this fucking giant’s bladder? Two cases of tall boys on a car ride? How was the urine removed? Was he pissing in bottles? Then I think: I wonder how thick Andre’s cock was. If his finger to penis size ratio was normal, can you imagine the size of that HAWG?!

I don’t really understand that.

within the context, and within Neil Gaiman’s greater universe, names can be of great importance. it being somewhat clearly a chosen name rather than a conventional given name is a meaningful thing.

I think it lends to a degree of mystery in things, that hes not just some guy.


If I remember correctly, it just vaguely describes him. And it seemed more about him being a big guy.

And you could flip them over like a record and play the other side.

Aw...yeah! Takes me back to the day. I had Jaz and Zip drives with the SCSI interface requiring hardware terminators on the devices themselves. They were, and still are, super-nerdy.

Get a whole desperate phone just for that Twitter account. Put it in a special case with an eagle on it. Refer to it as the Justice Phone.

The Joker is a force of chaos, death, violence and destructions. As long as he adheres to those 4 tenets he’s good.

Although, arguably, less overtly so...