
My bet is in " his interior starting to resemble the suit on the exterior", thus his throughout season stag transmutation.

I don't see how is it unfair to judge a tv show that "might be good someone told me" only after episode 6.

I don't think so. I think they're clearly "dramedy" in my opinion.
All of this would be sorted out with a dramedy category. I do think it has grown enough, and has it's own unique characteristics to be it's own genre.
But I'm fine with those shows going do "comedy", since historically that is where they go. So

"Satan Cleric Girl" wow.

It's just a weird issue.
I just feel it would be a lot easier to just teach kids how to wash their fucking dicks.

No you are not. Sorry for not contributing for your discussion. I had nothing I wanted to add at that moment (and I kind of agreed with you in the first place).
People all over here are writing it wrong, I wanted to correct at least one of you. You were the unlucky one because you seamed like such a fan of his work.

I'm glad we got Damian back as well, but you should try to get his name right though.

Yeah but she got shot this time. I think that was the idea, to feel that and kind of get a reward.

"Seriously, though, somebody make me a .GIF of Carrie racing through the
parking lot with the words “FOR BRODY!!!!” flashing at the bottom of the

I would just like to say that I'm horrified by you. You're clueless.