
And it’s still pretty much the only system I played games on this year.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were AI generated.

Honestly? I think there’s a pretty good chance he takes all the money he’s grifted and flees the country sometime in the next two years, especially if indictments come and it starts to look like running for president again won’t stop them.

Reading these guys lamenting blockbuster movies just reminds me of how the column that used to be on here, The Popcorn Champs, basically revealed that the period in the late 60s/early 70s where auteur films were the big hits instead of big crowdpleasers was an anomaly.

It’s so weird when old people get mad about “happy holidays” when the SONG “Happy Holidays” was written in 1942 and the term started in the 1860s. It’s, like, not new or recent at all.

Also there’s no way in hell the way it shook out in the wider MCU is in any way permanent.

Yeah, she Milkshake Ducked SUPER HARD.

There's too much time between these things to spend a year speculating about them. What's actually going to happen is that I'll forget all about it until I see something about it the day it airs. I didn't realize there was a new one today until seeing the "what's on this week" article here.

Yeah, I assumed it was another thing she was getting because of She-Hulk and not Jen, which went with the remainder of the episode.

I stopped using bonus EXP in Xenoblade after I found out that being too high of a level in comparison to enemies makes it harder to unlock Hero Classes on additional main characters besides the one that gets it initially.

I liked when he referred to them as "his better eighths".

They all come out of birthing pods already mostly grown, so both.

It's like their first time seeing Japanese media or something. Pretty guys are a dime a dozen.

There IS an all consuming evil in UGG, you're playing as it.

It’s probably for the best to not have to describe their brown girl Muslim superhero as “inhuman” anyway.

I got the impression that the Veil opening happened because of the time traveling, not because it was there already.

Yeah, it's way easier to move up the game than it is all the extra physical stuff that’s probably on a more fixed production schedule.

I mean, The Amazing World of Gumball was pretty great tho.

Yeah, Nintendo usually doesn’t even GIVE a release date until super close to when the release date ends up being, so we don’t even know if a game was actually supposed to come out sooner and just got delayed in secret. I remember when Origami King came out in July 2020 and had only been announced in June (I think).

I like how if you look at the “Oscar Isaac” credits image, his face is actually split into three faces, matching up with that hint of a third personality in the episode.