I’m not trying to be flip when I say this article is the first time I’ve even heard of this.
I’m not trying to be flip when I say this article is the first time I’ve even heard of this.
To be fair, Donald Trump basically bullied his way into his Home Alone 2 cameo.
Of a disease he could have easily gotten himself vaccinated against.
I guarantee he has the weirdest porn searches.
Technically the Woody Origin Story was Toy Story 2.
Well, energy vampires seem to be kinda weird, so I expect that there's something kinda weird still to come?
To be fair, the last time Samus was depicted as scared, people got super upset about it and are still upset to this day.
I have a soft spot for the Child's Play movies, so I'm super looking forward to this!
Yeah, it was very much like an early Doctor Who revival season with a bunch of stand alone episodes with elements that come up again for the big two part finale. None of them STOP working as stand alone episodes just because they come back up for the end.
I bought a DVD set of most of the holiday specials so I don't have to deal with Apple hoarding them all.
Charlie Brown's teacher makes him do a book report on War And Peace over the break as a cruel prank, considering that no one else in his class seems to have to do it.
I love how the Guide just holds up the remote control for it right after.
Yeah, once they added Pyra/Mythra my attitude became "I'm content with this roster, the final two can be literally anyone and I won't mind either way".
I'm curious as to what percentage of characters fight with punches and kicks, but people don't get upset about those enough to math out the percentages.
Right, that episode ended with Strange encasing himself in that crystal against the void. He's also probably immortal at that point.
I don’t know, conspiracy theories kinda stopped being fun once they started to actually undermine day to day life and the actual functioning of the country.
Yeah, I don't consider Nintendo my friend, I consider them a company that makes products I enjoy, that I support with my money because I enjoy them. I also like to be surprised when they announce a product I might enjoy immensely, such as a new Kirby game.
Heck, that's even BETTER because it encourages people to click on the article, almost like some kind of bait or something.
He's on the promo art for the series, so I'm assuming he's for more than just that bit and we'll find out more eventually.
Especially since it’s Infinity Ringed Out Ultron who actually got to use the Vision body apparently!