Rob O.

Yes. Women do. They can literally pick any asshole out they want and have them. They have that power.

Not sure if it counts but Amazon Prime pays dividends for me, even in the wake of the increased price and all the anti-Amazon stuff these days.

For sure. But with Ramis gone, I think he'll do it.

GB3 will happen, dude. With Murray. Mark my words. And I agree, GB2 is totally underrated.

Keep me updated on your work, dude, I'd love to read some of it!

Definitely would.

I do not! I cover a variety of beats and have done so my entire career, with the exception of fashion.

My friends are doing those Spartan Races and whatnot. I'm hugely overweight, but have been working out 3-4 days a week at the gym, while also attempting a #NoCarbSummer. Advice on getting to the point where I can complete a Spartan Race or whatever by October?

I freelance for about four different print/online publications while serving as an Online Editor for a website, part-time and as an Executive Editor for a national trade publication. I have an okay amount of free time, mostly on weekends, and I'm starting to build savings at age 30 after piling on entirely too much

Raven's the only one that would work and last I checked, Wonder Woman is a fucking badass and will be in this movie so your argument is weird to me.

Jeez, this looks brilliant.

My issue typically comes from buying things I know I need and going silly with them. Like, I need socks, so, instead of getting socks from Wal-Mart or Target or whatever for cheap, I bought them from hook + Albert and spent a small fortune.

I have my Kinect plugged in and this never turns my system on.

Jesus, people will complain about anything. "Oh, well, the LED will drain the battery and blah blah blah ..." It's $25. Shut up, people.

Awesome, thanks!

That's what I was thinking. It'd be cool to just play with it and see what I can do.

I don't know what that stuff means, dude, sorry. I know what ethernet is and passwords and stuff but not the other stuff.

This Raspberry Pi thing is so cool. If I had any rudimentary understanding of how to get it to work, I'd buy one.

I just turned 30, but I'm still fuzzy on the career direction thing. As a journalist, I just want to get out of this industry, mostly due to lack of stability. The other core things, I'm good.

This seems like an exercise in frustration more than it is fun.