Rob O.

I find it so hard to work out or get to a gym. I don't make a ton of money so the idea alludes me. I've been losing weight though, and I'm keeping track at my blog, which started here, but I migrated it to my personal site. It's been odd and interesting.

I can't stand the narrator's voice. Barely any inflection. I dunno.

Doesn't this just boil down to having to justify one's sizable purchase?

Ugh, put this is an organized layout. It's like reading a bad GChat convo, back and forth.

Is this Max Payne 3?

You get out of here.

First of all, "eye-catching." Second of all, your choice of "names." The reason you failed is because you didn't approach the situation like a fucking alpha. It doesn't matter with women, if they're "nerds" or whatever, women all want the alpha male who's going to assume dominance and assert himself above all others

Looks like a Resident Evil: Greatest Hits kinda' thing. #Boring

Ones who stare at their phones constantly, no less.

I need The Division now.

Cool. Cars. Make that fucking Rainbow Six game already, jerks.

The original French series is fantastic. The music is by Mogwai and the acting is solid. Genuinely creepy too. Sundance Channel hyped it as the anti-Walking Dead "zombie" series, which was brilliant, too.

This was realllllllly difficult to read, dude.

Meh. I never played Mario 64, oddly enough. It's the one N64 game I didn't own, lol.

Bioshock already proved that under-the-water settings are terrifying. This looks neat, though.

Really? Kinect Sports Rivals, GArden Warfare, Lego Movie. Happy now?

I'm in NY, so, I'm in the same boat.