Rob O.

I've always wanted to see that show. Thanks!

Oh god, I need to see what this is from.

It's not shitty, I think its a perfectly serviceable gif. :)

I love Dunham. More of her, I say, more!

"Any which way, it's a black guy" LOL

You're amazing. Someone give this dude a job writing a column or doing commentary. Best sports article I've read in recent memory.

Yeah ... Lindy, you're hot as hell and all but you're in the wrong here. I'm a fat guy and terribly imposing (I've been told) and I make it a point to be as polite as possible. Also, I'm an adult and know how to cure a hangover, so that excuse shouldn't be a crutch.

Jae Lee's art was fascinating for like, two seconds, then the fact that no characters' eyes are ever open starts to get obnoxious.

I'm really not understanding this. I love hard sci-fi, but ... what is SCP, what is so freaky about this? Explain, please.

What're you new? Halloween didn't have that sound effect, it was Friday the 13th. This site needs an editor, honestly, jeez.

it's Jean Paul Coupal, btw.