
@safil: Nah, didnt even hear about it.

@safil: Um...Thanks Safil?

#5 is me. Darn it for being the youngest one @ 4food!

If they play thunderstruck during the unveiling of this phone, consider me sold!

I will see all of you at the Galaway Hooker.

Thats it, I am going to import it and put my brand new Rolex in the trash due to it's inability to be as cool as japan watches.

@rick23: if this is their security, then their maintenance crew must be top notch!

Malls Have Maintenance Shops?

I thought this said turn your iPhone into a latke.

Wait a second, didnt you guys brag about that touchscreen coke machine at the Giz Gallery Last Year?

Negotiating For a hostage isnt that difficult.

Someone PLEASE go to the one on long island, we dont have many people!

My son and I are attending the one at NYC, in 4food.

I would be terrified if they put these types of "toys" near me.

If I am paying $400 for a Xbox 360, it better be like the first PS3.

Congrats Jason Chen!

@4thorion: All servers have 0 people.