
I love how they spelled it "X-Box"!

I want a MW2 Ringtone too!!

Ahh Halo Made Into Dance. What Shall they Come up with next?

@Shinta: ha, that is horrible yet really funny at the same time! @madammina:

I would like to talk about something that is appearing in the piracy community and is rampant in gaming.

@'-'): True Dat!

@Jon Q: Good Luck Jon!!

@RawrSpoon: Because we cant drive at 200mph

Why is it using the Unity Game Engine?

Doesnt that "special force" logo belong to Soldier Front?

I want world party games and Learn Geography!!!!

@Andrew Wyatt: Oh, also they hate me in the apple store. Thank god that the iPhones there are protected by cords!

@MindPrints: Yeah, but once you eat a mac, you cant go back.

Is it bad if I ate my iPhone that I got for the holidays.

@Gunlore: Cue the kool-aid man. OH YEAH!