I suppose that might matter to a pro, but not me sitting on the couch playing with my kids.
I suppose that might matter to a pro, but not me sitting on the couch playing with my kids.
I always play Smash with that console controller.
Who still wants to use the GameCube when the pro controller is a thing? It is a far superior design. I also don’t understand who has any tolerance for a corded controller in 2018.
The majority of everything in Splatoon 2 is in the first game, but it looks cleaner and got a re-balance. I mean, shit, the single player story is damn near identical, right down to the final boss. The additions (salmon run, some new weapons) feel like the type of stuff I’d see included in a FINAL MIX or HYPER…
Thats one character I’ll never play.
DmC was an origin story for hair color.
DMC3 had better writing than DmC. It actually uses it’s female protagonist in a way that matures the main character with out her becoming a love interest or damsel in distress.
When last I checked, doxxing someone isn’t a crime.
You understand that ISP’s are allowed to sell all the data they’ve been compiling on everyone for god knows how many years right? Even if it was deleted, at one point that information was public and archived and then sold off. This is exactly what happened. Things like this are happening to people all over mostly for…
Making people gaming celebs was a huge mistake.
Video games are a mistake as well.
It feels like we just had a new smash bros game.
Where’s Animal Crossing at? It belongs on the switch (just like most games do)
Nobody would care there weren’t any people of color in this game if the dev didn’t dog whistle all over the place that there were no black people.
One, you’re not an SJW. I’ve read your comments enough to know this. I once thought “SJW” was just a slur conservatives threw at people they disagreed with, but then I met some. Now, so we’re on the same page, “liberal” means someone who is open minded or listens to other opinions. SJWs are not liberals. If you…
To be fair, I bought Wolfenstein 2 at launch because it upset nazis.
Y’know what? Thanks for taking the time to break things down to the level you did; there’s a tendency in current social discourse to immediately take the most emotionally-reflexive and intellectually simple reaction to any situation, and I really appreciate that you slowed down and broke this situation into its…
Yes, but every prefecture has the right to set a higher age, which they all have. The AoC hasn’t been amended at the federal level because all the prefectures have set their local limits higher.
It really makes you wonder: who’s the worse person here, somebody who has pictures of naked, underage girls, or somebody who thinks a valid response to that is to kill hundreds of thousands of people and leave countless more with lifelong trauma?
First of all, that’s not really that true. 13 is just the minimum that a prefecture is allowed to set the age of consent to. In Tokyo, it would be 17.
Don’t mash buttons. The combat in MHW is designed to punish you for it. Each press is a commitment and if you over-commit, you can’t cancel out of it. The combat is incredibly responsive and rewarding IF you aren’t pressing random buttons all the time and chaining combos into oblivion.