
Smash community is absolute garbage... It’s filled with a bunch of whiny, entitled, dickish, college minded... weeaboo, sexist, twat waffles - proof? I not only sponsor the best player in my state, I deal with the largest weekly tourney in my state... Trust me, I hate them... The FGC (NOTORIOUS for being all of the

I hate this reply... most common reply to fighting games ever. Practice look up combos, look up meta, and match ups. Dedicate. Fightings games take something not a lot of games do and thats flat out dedication. When I hear "I'm just horrible at them" I hear "I just can't get motivated to get good at them, too busy,


To be fair, he wasn’t like this to JUST the morons... he was like this to generally reasonable people too... Fish was a prick bruh. He felt like his opinion was god basically.

Cave Story was the first real indie darling bruh...

What the every living fuck is wrong with people? It’s a video game. The shit didn’t get canceled... SE didn’t go bankrupt...

I honestly miss the corporate information... if anything you cut away real news to make room for MORE tabloidy shit... all news sites and publications will have this typr of stuff - there’s no avoiding it, it flat out brings readers in... when you’re giving me a story about game porn, or even a guy getting fucking

I played: The Witcher 3, Dying Light, Fallout 4, Arkham Knight, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Dark Souls 3, Divinity: Original Sin, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age: Inquisition, DOOM... and found them all very boring in comparison to MOST WiiU games I’ve played... of them I only really think I’ll ever go

Nope Nvidia Tegra will not produce XBONE graphics.

Here’s the deal... The Wii-U is a considerably more polished system, and Nintendo actually knows quite well how to push their own hardware and showcase that talent. Xenoblade X had me lose a metric ton of hours, Splatoon I played fanatically for like half a year... MMO fanatically... 1,493 hours logged in Splatoon

Funny you say that stone edge says hi.

It really cracks me up. Moltress and Articuno are both 4x weak to rock... and 2x weak to a lot of othsr crap...

Yeah but tourists are typically spending ungodly amounts of cash in your country, propping up the economy! PoGo is just benefitting Niantic in this situation.

*Ron Swanson reply right here.

I. Hate. This. Game.

This game has effectively made the world retarded. I like Pokemon don’t get me wrong... but it’s a terrible game! The kind of people who like this game prove to me JUST how dumb everyone is.

And yet your moral rigidity doesn’t stand either lol. You gotta tell me why it’s wrong in the first place.

How’s this one - moralism is subjective, and is typically dictated by those with finacial power, and superiority. Laws founded on morals are just as likely to be misguided, and possibly wrong. Ever heard of Chaotic lawful? Laws can be just as wrong as those who break them.

Guns are made to kill... If somebody believes they are for “protection” in the suburbs, and civilian life... they are far too paranoid for their own good. This stupid woman just proved the point - There is no such thing as a “responsible” gun owner, simply volatile ones. For somebody to feel so scared for their life

That’s the amazing irony of the situation.