
It was Suzumu Hirasawa. He’s famous for his work on Satoshi Kons animations. Paprika’s OST, the OST for Paranoia agent.... he plays with melancholy and electronica. He’s also a very insane human being... he believes humans are a plight on the earth. He’s a loony as hell but his music is AMAZING.

Sounds like Letto thought the Joker was a real edgelord.... Stickdeath? Tshirthell? FAMILY GUY? He sounds ridiculously tame in comparison to anything I’ve ever seen or heard from the Joker... The Joker is a homicidal sociopath - this is wut? Lmao, way to live up to hottopic joker letto lmao... this is retarded.

Rey touched the thing IN the box, got visions, Maz told her to take it... DIDN’T hand it to her... and Rey ran. Rey never touches the thing again until the end of the film... It is handed to Finn instead. So yeah THIS SCENE NEVER HAPPENED.

And by good movie you mean riddled with fan service, horrible writing... token Black guy syndrome... and last but not least A NEW HOPE 2.0 now with MORE ABRAMS!

You can buy and play SMT Persona 3 on PS3 as a PS2 Classic and I own a non-backwards compatible system... The PS3 can definitely emulate the PS2.

Yeah but FFXII IZE is so goddamn fun and beautiful on PCSX2.

Whatever you say.

Back at ya.

You’ve effectively alienated a customer in that regard - You’d do great working in business advisement! “Fuck ‘em, make it the way we want to!” Lmao.

I personally wished there was a way to make my male character bulkier and more buff looking... but that wasn’t even in the original... It’s kind of lame and unfair that men don’t get the same level of customization don’t you think?

Couldn’t have said that better myself.

You know maybe women want to play SF too without always have lady ass sexually shoved in their face? Perhaps their an audience that wants SF to be a little more female friendly? Aren’t they entitled to the same comforts as you?

Nice reasonable take on the matter. I don’t feel left out with the breast slider, and didn’t care that they removed it. However the way you phrased that it’s not the censorship itself, but the way it’s handled. Intelligent post deserves a star!

One individual that is contextually and visually 13 years old. Oh, but you know pardon my understanding that Nintendo didn’t want to deal with that kind of backlash. You’re a nitwit.

See here’s the deal. Xenoblade let you dress Lin up (She’s 13 in both fucking versions pal) in some skimpy ass shit. We’re talking EXTREMELY sexualized attire. People got pissed because they censored JUST HER costumes, not even the other females - because you know, they’re grown. Excusing that kind of disgusting

The age is correct Lin is 13. That’s a fucking child bud. It’s still pedaphillia if you’re fapping to little girls, and boys pal - or if you think you’re entitled to dress said children up in sexy costumes REAL OR NOT... All I know is I’d never let you near my kids if you think this is just “okay”

To tell me that a 13 year old girl wearing sexy lingerie for sex appeal isn’t paedaphillia is some hilarious shit. Please tell me what constitutes paedaphillia more? I’d like to hear you justify the pervs who watch shit like Toddlers in Tiaras. You’re a twit.

This is like the go to insult for anything people disagree with... Ugh.

You can. Helmets are an option, and they remove the weird faces from view, but it feels wrong knowing that under that badass helmet, they look derpy as hell.