@everybest: needs more Ibuki.
@everybest: needs more Ibuki.
Future headline: DNF took 15 years to make, sucks.
Again, Silent Hill, especially the "you suck at this game" endings - those were actually my favorite. I want more games to end tragically.
the kryptonite of 13-30 year-old boys everywhere.
nice sternum
@gamedismantler: I have to agree that you should just make a PC - I had the orange box on the 360, and after a few weeks I thought to myself "Why the fuck am I playing this on a console?"
Hey, you should document the whole Japan transition - I'm generally curious about the entire experience.
It may be slightly off balance... but I'd rather that than waiting 2 years for them to release just 1 massive update. This is how Valve needs to release all of their content - otherwise it'd take them 10 years.
I found the script to Gears of War2 on The Pirate Bay - here's a snippet that confirms this "less stereotypical" route.
@Arsenicberyllium: Flawless logic, I will boycott MGS4 until this is rectified.
Damn 9-5 job preventing me from napping.
lol iBook G4. FAIL.
@Stormrider: how would that not make for an awesome video?
Also; the next free weekend will be completely free of spies.
Man, why does Valve keep tempting me to build a PC just for TF2 (ie. 360 update plz, thnx!)
I want this XBL trivia game yesterday - knowing that they haven't made it public yet means it's probably at least a year away - whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy!?
Hell yes, time to dominate XBL with my vast trivia knowledge.