

Holy shit, look at the Disc drive, it's a fucking claw! and omg a "easy" HD bay.

I used to work with a janitor named Charles Norris; and lived to tell the tale.

Well, at least EA is being honest for once.

I can't wait until the "Resident Evil 5 is a HATE CRIME TRAINING TOOL"

@KafkaTamura: After seeing 2 Uwe Boll movies I can say without a doubt that there's no chance the man will ever make a half-way-decent film.

@pylon_trooper: Yeah, the press release says DS exclusive, sorry buddy.

Where the hell is my new duckhunt.

It's ok, in the following game Ivy will just be a massive set of boobs with a whip.

There needs to be a FAAAALCCCCCCCOOOON PAAAAAUUUUUNCH version of this so damn bad.

This would be good for the XBLA - maybe on the Wii for... 30$ at the most.

Man, that's way too many screens for a Uwe Boll movie.

@108: oh you shut your face - get out of your basement and get outside; it's about time developers use color.

Yeah, if this game ran at 60fps your TV would break instantly because of the level of sheer bad-assedry.

@ShaggE: ah that mission only took me two tries, just snipe the front guards - throw in a few grenades and then just pick off the stragglers inside