Needs more Eagles
Needs more Eagles
Thanks for the heads up. I won’t rest until I get “just peachy”.
Bless your popular 18th century satirist knowing heart. I was going to say the same thing.
Christ, you’re right. How embarrassing.
I love the girl on the far right who’s just like NOPE BYEEEEE the minute she sees trouble with the dock
That makes sense coming from an obviously protozoa person. Us on the antizoa side say it's a virus.
“ This, according to Ajit Varki and his wife and co-researcher Nissi Varki, is what cause atherosclerosis.”
or maybe she just grabbed a bag out of the bag box ( everyone has one of those right. the box that holds old grocery bags for future use?) and it was from a long time ago because she’s been dutifully bring her canvas bag to the grocery store so she hasn’t gotten any new ones in a while so her bag supply is running low…
May I present one of my favourite Twitter People : Woman against Feminism
You are correct, the United States has used the gas chamber since the 1920s.
It actually is the method we use for euthanizing animals for an experiment (although I’ve only used CO2), and yeah, it is probably the most human way to do it. It’s kinda like being put under anesthesia, except that there’s no oxygen in the mixture so that, as lizardleash said, you just never wake up.
Not that Oklahoma isn’t totally crazy and apparently desperate to keep killing people, but isn’t nitrogen one of the methods (if not the prefered method) suggested by euthanasia advocates as a painless way to commit suicide? Until the death penalty is abolished, I’d take this as an execution method over “hey what are…
This is what we used for mice in our lab. It seems a lot more humane than drugs, with a much smaller chance of failure. The inmate is quietly put to sleep by the lack of oxygen, and then simply never wakes up.
Ever After is still my number one Cinderella re-telling.
Whenever I see a Will.I.Am story I'm always reminded of this jem.
my 20-year-old sister is a crew trainer at a fast food joint, and she frequently complains about having to train older people who refuse to take her seriously just because she's half their age.
This was my thought. I have pet rats. It's definitely my experience that when one rat gets upset enough to start shrieking, other rats will become very agitated. I could've told you that rats gets upset by the sound of other rats being hurt or fighting amongst each other.
I think it's pretty clear that consciousness is a continuum. There's no bright line separating "human" from "animal." Rats have the same basic emotions that we do (with an intensity defined by their particular instincts), but don't have the same ability to think about them.
Bennnnn, the two of us need look no moooooooore
Story time! When I was a sophomore in college I thought it was just crazy that I would get panic attacks at roughly the same time every day- specifically in this one class when I'd drunk my mocha down to below the logo on the cup. I was telling a friend about this and she said "ever wonder if maybe it's the caffeine?"…