
I knew of a child (a bully targeting the child of a friend) who was named Kaylee, except her parents spelled it Kali. Good job.

I’m quite certain I embarrassed my parents more than they ever embarrassed me. I was a child with zero filter. My (introverted and decidedly shy) mother still sometimes bemoans the time I told the waiter at Chi-Chi’s that we were there for her birthday and he brought out a huge sundae and all the servers sang a song

People come in all sorts, male or female. My pleasure.

I was about twenty-three, I think, which made me one of the older ones. I think we ranged from about sixteen to early twenties. The leader was, I think, about eighteen or nineteen. Originally, it was a roleplaying group, mostly female but with a few token guys, but it kind of veered off from that when the game we were

Then tell her that. Tell her what you think, tell you what other people think. I’d venture to say that with death, there aren’t any “real” answers other than that it happens. She sounds like a smart kid, and it’s probably something she’ll revisit for herself many times in the future after this conversation. She may

I picked Betty. Always.

The fuck. I bet those other adults in the room wouldn’t have handed over important personal objects in your place.

I was, for a while, in a group of people online that ended up very much dominated by one young woman with a very strong personality who was an admitted and proud troll. Looking back, she was very much of the mindset that everyone who had an opinion that was different from hers was stupid, and their opinions were

I didn’t quite lose the tip of my finger in a deli slicer in the kitchen of a Boston Pizza, during the eleven months I worked in the food industry. I pulled my hand back just in time so that it was held on by a flap. The doctor folded it over and put a couple of adhesive sutures on it. A decade later, it’s a canyon

Aw, you’re sweet. Thank you.

oooh, she could teach me a thing or two about weight lifting. I am in awe.

Her eyeliner game is on point.

Oh, so you think it’s okay to eat plants but not animals? Those raw carrots are alive when you bite into them. Many plants demonstrate an awareness of their surroundings, at least on some level. Who are you to decide that it’s moral to eat one form of life and not another? Filthy kingdomist.

Yes. A million times.

This is a great story.

A coworker convinced me that a spoon of coconut oil in coffee is amazing!

Okay so. In the late seventies, early eighties, before I was born, my mother worked with a group in southern Alberta that did sex ed talks but also helped counsel women who wanted/needed an abortion. There was one hospital in town that would do an abortion, or otherwise they’d help them arrange a trip down to the

Ugh. I bought these too. I forgot about them.

My roommate had one of those. She never cleaned it properly and it was eternally sticky inside and out and smelled like rancid oil. She seemed oblivious to this fact.

From a previous roommate who moved out, I inherited a bunch of spoons. Some of them are tiny little delicate useless teaspoons. For... tiny puddings or scooping sugar into coffee, I don’t know. There’s a few of them. That’s not too weird.