
As I get older I'm playing online less and less, and I'd rather be able to use my box as a media streaming device (I'm a cable cutter) and MS doesn't want to let me do that without continuing to pay for Xbox Live. So my options now are to either to just keep paying MS to be the middleman ("doing it wrong"), or retire

Yeah, the whole concept seems a little half baked.

You're not running low on juice. Don't lie to Siri.

In the immortal words of Rage Against the Machine:

Hmm, just checked it out. It does look interesting, but I would have liked to see what gameplay looked like.

Another boring E3 keynote. I have to say that Ubisoft had the most exciting presentation this year, with a special mention for 'The Last of Us'. Everything else was pretty bland.

That would make some sense if they showed him drinking at all during the game. I think Ironside was just sloshed in the studio.

Maybe I'm missing something, but the voice acting in Conviction was terrible. It sounded like he was drunk the whole time. He deserved to be fired after that performance.

I know that's what it says here, but I was watching the live stream and I'm pretty sure there are some WP8 only features. They said the Game of Thrones map was just for WP8 devices, and I thought they said that in-game content was as well (though I may be wrong).

Because they are positioning it as the best way for Windows 8 (computers, tablets, and phones) to send media to the TV. Not everyone who uses Windows is into online games and they shouldn't have to pay a membership fee to 'activate' all these basic features that are free on other platforms.

They should either make Gold free, or move all of the streaming services to the free Silver service. As I pay fewer and fewer online games, I start to question what I'm paying for. I was hoping that I could just use it as for single player games or as a media player, but why is MS the only company playing middleman

Ubisoft has definitely been the high point so far. Assassins Creed 3, Far Cry 3, and this craziness.

I usually only take my laptop along on long trips so I can use it to play Netflix or DVDs while I surf the web on the tablet. Otherwise I just take the tablet because of how light it is. This device doesn't offer any of those advantages. This "TabTop" seems like waste of two screens to me.

I believe they said that in-game features are for Windows Phone and Windows 8 devices only.

There's no way to hook in over Bluetooth? I would expect there to be an unofficial hack out there somewhere...

Why so angry?

I have both, and if I'm taking my laptop anywhere, the tablet comes along, too. It's so thin and light that it makes very little difference alongside my 5 lb laptop. Plus it slides right into the laptop sleeve with no problems. There are also plenty of times where I only take the tablet with me because I want to

Source? Because that sounds like a lot of hooha.

Indeed, you're paying extra for 2 screens that you can't see at the same time!

So you're paying more for 2 screens that you can't use at the same time? Why not just get one of each (a tablet and a laptop) for less $$$ and less weird compromises? Then you could actually watch video on one while you surf on the other (without a mirror).