
It’s a nice as a bare bones texting tool, but lack of file transfer makes it kind of gimpy compared to most computer messaging protocols.

Seriously. Talk about beleaguered.

Yeah, I was trying to see if some newer ambassador games were available after I hadn’t played it in a while. I was clicking through a bunch of the notifications, and one of them said that an update was available. I started the update and set the 3DS aside, plugged in and keeping the clamshell open. After a few hours I

I love this game. If only the last update hadn’t bricked my 3DS.

Er, that should have said ‘iPad announcement’, sorry. The idea is that with the new iPad, iOS devices will finally be able to display 1080p video without downscaling, so a new Apple TV supporting 1080p may be coming soon. Also, shortages of Apple TV units have been reported lately. If you are excited about mirroring

A world that has mountains.

Maybe wait until the iPad before pulling the trigger on that Apple TV. Signs point to them refreshing the Apple TV hardware soon.

I went searching for that phrase to find the context, and the transcript I came across had the same error.

That's highly doubtful.

Rebuild for iPhone went on sale for 99 cents this week. It’s a turn based game where you try to bring a zombie infested city under control block by block. Like Sim City in the zombie apocalypse and I’m totally addicted. They also updated it to work on the iPhone!

I can attest that this game is awesome. It really feeds on all my puzzle game triggers. As you can see from the video the game has a lot of style and attitude. The "Rage Quit" option in the pause menu made me smile.

Yeah, I really liked my pair, but they had a nasty habit of catching strands of hair in the metal sliding part.

It depends on what your doing with the jailbreak. If you are using it for things like free tethering, or the ability to use WiFi only features (like FaceTime) over 3G, then chances are they can tell from the network traffic.

The only way I can see the used game thing working is if the games are digital download only, or an OnLive type streaming service. But having a BluRay drive would suggest games on disc. It would be hard to imagine them not taking advantage of that extra storage for games.

It depends on how easy it is for the carriers to detect rooting or jail breaking. I can see some fun clauses in you service contract that allow them to cancel your service along with a nice ETF if you use a rooted device on their network.

Yeah, reading through the comments I kept thinking of the Picasso quote.

It doesn’t seem to be doing them *that* much good right now, the results have been mixed. Maybe they’re expecting a big payoff later. They probably aren’t going to stop unless they start to see more negative effects from it, and I don’t see that happening in the near term. More likely is that these lawsuits get a bit

Yes, companies are entitled to change directions, but the choices for consumers and press are not just ‘take it or leave it.’ It’s well within our purview to call them out behavior that we see as anticompetitive and bad for the user.

Wow, a lot of people are getting rankled by Google’s actions lately. Or, I guess I should say by press coverage of Google’s actions. Seriously, Page was onto something with the quote above. He knew how you gain people’s trust and build a good brand. Of course what’s the point of building a trustworthy brand if you

In the era of internet porn, I would say it probably only still exists for the articles.