
Can someone tell what is up with the neck on the Tharja (Fire Emblem) cosplayer? Is that part of the costume? Or a weird photo distortion? Or a crazy goiter?

I wholeheartedly apologize for making what I thought--incorrectly, it seems!--was a pretty obviously lighthearted joke. I will go home and practice being a better person now.

when people post their doorbell videos they are usually legit around here. It’s people prowling cars or rummaging through mailboxes or whatever.

I love it when Angry Dude says others are toxic.

I have long-since given up any hope of getting out the grays. I’d like to say it’s okay, but it’s not okay. 

I think that you’re technically correct about ‘phobia’/fear issue, but also feel like modern use of the term ‘homophobic’ has essentially made it the LGBTQ+ equivalent to racist/misogynist. I know that I no longer hear ‘homophobic’ and immediately think ‘afraid of the gays’ like I did when I was younger and less

+1 for any and all breakfast cereal jokes.

But once you’ve wiped that mess or snotty nose, you’re no longer a handkerchief man. You’re a dude with a gross rag in your pocket.

The only bit that Drew’s quote misses—and it’s an important one—is that yelling and abusive behavior works at the collegiate level not just because they’re teenagers, but because they can’t (easily) quit and go work for someone else. Every college player has, for decades, known that trying to escape a toxic coach

Looking back, this is exactly how I was with Star Wars Battlefront about 4-5 years ago. It was so lacking in content, but I just refused to accept that I’d been ripped off and disappointed, and just kept playing and insisting that the forthcoming DLC would bring people back and I’d have the last laugh. I lost many

This is a great explainer! I feel about 18% smarter and more prepared to participate in society than I did before I read your comment.

Sounds to me like her testosterone levels should be tested.

He’s the ringleader of Utah’s triple-threat on 3-balls, along with Grayson Allen and Kyle Korver.

Loving, Brown, Obergefell, and Overwatch. The four landmark civil rights events of our time. 

Shame she couldn’t squeeze some Venezuelan beaver cheese into her answer. 

Totally agree, but I’d take it further: You’re not just “gonna lose games”—you’re “gonna lose LOTS of games.” In fact, if the SR algorithm eventually arrives at something resembling “truth,” you’re gonna lose 50% of them! To break up the band after one game (outside of obvious problems) is really short-sighted.

I just like the Comp format better--the way you play a match, and then play the mirror-match. Basically, I wish QP would do the same thing, but without the penalties for leaving and use backfill, allow spectating, etc...

Stats can lie and deceive, and even great compositions can fail, but the true value in the new LFG function is asshole detection. Without LFG, you only get like 10 seconds of chat with new teammates, but by then it’s too late—the game started and you’re penalized for leaving. With LFG, however, I get to chat with the

Not so weird to me. I would happily watch an entire FX series that was nothing more than Raylan and Art joking/arguing with each other.

+1 Patriotic Raisin