
It's been a long time since I saw it, too but I kinda remember that I took that to mean that the grave had been desecrated/tampered with rather than his mother *actually* being a jackal.

And yet here you are - reading articles and complaining about it.

In an absolutely shocking development, it turns out getting information from hucksters on TikTok is a bad idea.

Until someone cracks superluminal transfer of information, yes, yes it is. 

1) Relativity

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

“Hi, gang! We’re gonna stop at this abandoned, derelict space station.”

It goes way deeper than religion. This is more or less them laying the foundation for something they want to use to identify undesirables.. Today it’s porn, tomorrow it could be because you shopped at the wrong place, or liked the wrong thing on Facebook.

Man, whodathunk electing religious nutjobs would have consequences?!

Whenever I hear someone call themselves ‘alpha’, I assume their penis is so small that it is actually tucked inside their body.

It seems the Venn diagram between QAnuts and UFOlogists is almost a circle.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t earn more, but if their paycheck is from a contracting firm, they should negotiate with that company to get increased pay. Most of those companies pay less than 50% of the billable rate. I know some of that goes to benefits and overhead (like paying my boss), but when all they are selling

It amazes me that the same people who don’t believe in basic scientific fact can concoct convoluted conspiracy theories about anything.

Eh it’s more of a Metropolis look.

I know nothin’ ‘bout nothin’, but it seems to me that using nukes on satellites is overkill. I’d be more worried about a nuke detonating in an orbit close enough to cause an EMP over a very, very large area.

8 Reasons Why This Article Is Presented In Slideshow Format

Looks like someone discovered that the right-wing media bubble didn’t pay as well as she’d hoped.

As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech”

Lets see, not even 30 years old. Financially set for life. Probably tired of doing the same thing for a decade. Can basically move on and bigger and better things without having to worry about hustling

Well, Howland Islands had a US air/naval base in WW2 and was attacked by the Japanese in a series of air raids, but never housed any US aircraft other than float planes, and no Japanese aircraft were known to ahve been shot down. After a series of Japaense attacks, the base was abandoned on Jan. 31, 1942, shortly