
For an article titled “13 things I wish I knew before I started Cyberpunk 2077" this list feels super subective and not very informative. Like avoid this quest because I didn’t like it, or take this one because I did, its not really the kind of general advice the article title suggests. This would have have been a

Report: Chess Grandmaster From Anal Bead Conspiracy Accused Of Cheating In Over 100 Games

The point is not to make a tasty chicken dish. The point is to be a shithead teenager by doing something that will make adults angry. hopefully start the next ShitTok trend and be internet famous for a week.

She uses her body to make money hand over fist and invests it in business ventures that will outlive her youth and allow her to retire young, all without having to touch even a single simp.


uuuuugh, Bloodhound Step made the game so much fun to play though. fucking sod PvP, in PvE it made everything quick and exciting instead of slow and plodding.

Well now that you gave them the content idea, Tuesday.

When is gonna be the time that kotaku will create the slideshow “The 15 worst re-launches/re-makes/re-masters ever”

Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

The right will absolutely rage no matter what Elon does, because being angry and feeling victimized is central to the conservative identity at this point. And if they can’t find any real-world examples of their supposed oppression, they invent them. That’s part of why the election fraud lie has persisted for so long.

I don’t get rid of anything.  I spent three hours trying to double jump a horse down a cliff to find this flower, and I am sure as hell not gonna drop it just because I have no idea what it does nor have used it in 100 hours of play!!

To be fair this looks like opening the chest summoned that creature but it did not.  Those creatures are patrolling the area and that person just tried to run for a chest without taking them out first

I agree with this one. Those jerks are the worst. Especially since they can spot you from a LONG way off. Far enough you likely weren’t even aware of them the first time, until a giant spear of an arrow impales you from halfway across the map....only a minor exaggeration.

Is this in a specific catacomb? Because there is at least one place where the skeletons are connected to a “necromancer” that has to be killed for the skeletons to die permanently. 

after he killed me once I decided to run past him the next time, just to see what was in the room behind him. it was an elevator. he followed me, then fell down the elevator shaft and died. unintentional cheese!

Yeah? You must be absolutely thrilled by this game

In this case, Boc does tell you he’s going to go to that cave by the water.

I’m gonna do it... Legos... *lowers voice* leeegggoooosssss

Yeeeep. I'm a recent convert and enjoying the games, but haven't touched PVP due to shit like this. 

Invaded at RL1 by the Church of Elleh and managed to intercept a Moonveil being dropped for a new player!