
My father in law, in typical upper middle-class white paranoia, recently joined a modern organization that calls itself the “Knights Templar”, complete with hyper-religious service in their Anglican (NOT mamby-pamby American Episcopalian!) church, lots of crosses and whatnot ... And yes, he watches Faux News 24/7 and

Father-in-law is a 28 year Nissan corporate retiree. The VPP pricing plans for Nissan or Infiniti vehicles make for a lovely, no-bullshit buying experience. I imagine it’s the same for most other manufacturers’ similar programs.

Cuphead. Goddamn, this game is hard. And addictive.

Works fine on my Win10 gaming machine.

I have now gotten this game free twice, once on GOG a few years back, and now again last night on Steam. Sadly, I actually have it installed twice. On the same computer. I have a Fallout problem ...

That’s a lovely performance of a Prince-written song. By contrast, her own earlier record, THE LION AND THE COBRA is many things, but “lovely” isn’t one of them. That record, in a word, rocks. Too bad her life sort of fell apart after her commercial success. She had a power and honesty as a performer that few can

I still have way more fun in Astroneer than I can imagine having in No Man’s Sky. *shrug*

From the top-rated comments, I guess I’m the outlier - Diet Coke is the nectar of the Gods brought down from Olympus for mortals to enjoy. Coke Zero is the nectar of ass-wash, spewed forth from the sewers of Atlanta to mock American palettes.

One may disagree but one would be wrong.

Thanks to the Steam Summer Sale, Wolfenstein: The New Order, if the damned 41GB download ever finishes. The size of modern games really makes you appreciate the playability of 8-bit classics that were typically 2 to 8 KILOBYTES in size. :\

Take Two recently bought Kerbal Space Program, a game that has actively encouraged mods, modders and the creativity of its user base since its inception over 5 years ago. In fact, KSP has long had “Featured Mod Mondays” where they show off some of the best in social media every week. I sincerely hope this policy

Screw all this stuff. Biggest announcement for some of us is Hyperkin’s Retron 77. TAKE MY MONEY!

Is this my cue to wave my cane and shout, “REAL MATH NERDS USED HP’S!” My HP-48SX was the shit and I still have an HP-48G today. My soul died a little bit a number of years ago when I had to buy my kids TI-83's for their high school math classes.

Careful, snowflake. Your hood is showing.

Realize: This is basically EVERY open-world game in the last 10+ years. GTA IV, GTA V, Fallout 3/NV/4, etc. Explore, crash cars, steal airplanes and crash them into trains, blow up atomic cars, take potshots at Deathclaws and leave them lumbering around the Commonwealth on one leg, build a settlement and fill it with


That’s actually an excellent way to cook a steak - you SEAR it in the cast iron skillet with butter, then finish it in the oven, then let it rest. The key is knowing how thick your steak is and being able to trust - 1) Your ability to sear the steak fast; 2) The temperature control of your oven; 3) Your own attention

That’s gotta be the worst soldering technique I’ve ever seen. Soldering should NOT be like dripping “hot snot” (hot glue) all over your components. smdh ...

FTL, Astroneer, and maybe going back to Skyrim for a visit ...

Astroneer - Great fun, challenging and optimistic. I need more of this in my life these days.

Kerbal Space Program, as per usual, plus a couple of classics picked up on the Steam Winter Sale - SW: Jedi Outcast and Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition. :)