
There was a guy in Boston today with a sign that said “Science Is A Thing.” I thought that was clever, but this one is x100 clever.

Oh man. Today I felt hopeful for the first time since maybe the election. Marching in Denver with upwards of 200,000 people of all kinds made my heart so full. It was cold, it was a Saturday morning, and so many people showed up to yell, march, and tell the world This Is Not Okay. On top of all that, everyone and

I think that’s my favorite sign so far.

I was pleasantly surprised by how many men were at the NYC march. One of my favorite chants was a call-and-respond where the women shouted “My body, my choice” and the men responded “Her body, her choice.” I’ve been feeling very alone in this crazy country recently, and today was a good reminder that we have friends

Another woke little dude. Saw this on twitter.

To be honest as a Canadian I could go either way on a wall right now.

Man who snuck out of work early to go to his local march here I tried to invite chait but he wouldn’t return my phone calls. As for the other questions I don’t feel particularly threatened by trump because I am what his supporters like though I hate them and him with a passion. I am afraid for my daughter (who I

So a private school teacher, who obviously hates special needs students, is advocating for segregation of them. Fuck that! After Devos gets done funneling all the money into the pockets of her cronies, there would be no money left, anyway. So the the next logical step is, well they don’t need an education anyway.

FYI, just tried to take the commuter train from Baltimore to DC for the march. No go. The station was absolutely, completely swamped. I rode that line for years and never saw so many people. I’m sure many in the area were waiting for charter buses, but there was absolutely no way I was buying a ticket and getting on a

Today looks like it will be much better

“I think public schools should still be a thing for special needs children,” said Andrew, a former private school teacher and fan of Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos. “Because the problem when they talk about vouchers is that there’s not gonna be enough money for special needs kids, so let’s have special

As a partially Japanese person I support this pun.


And japan has no fukushimas left to give

Shit’s called Takeshima, not Giveshima.

I’m sorry, but the BEST gta game of all time is still Vice City, argue it’s dated graphics and gameplay, but it’s still the most memorable one of them all, I played more GTA Vice City than I’ve play any other video game of all time, and that’s probably true for many other people, if they don’t fall under the San

i mean... yeah. I listen to good music and read books (The Best Books!)... but i do pretty much exactly this when people ask me my favorite bands & / or authors.

Vice City should be every entry on this list.