Wasn’t everyone on here just lauding Carrie Fisher for saying that “youth and beauty are not accomplishments”?
Wasn’t everyone on here just lauding Carrie Fisher for saying that “youth and beauty are not accomplishments”?
She’s fabulously talented at branding and making money. Granted those may not be enviable skills to you personally, but talentless she certainly is not
But cheap and fake is her brand.
Kourtney’s ambivalence is #lifegoals.
I’m really baffled by how much coverage this talentless twat gets on Jezebel. Is it ironic?
Also he’s Irish in a “he’s born in London but not good enough to play for England kind of a way”.
Everybody in the UK is required to play soccer and is stuck in regimented divisions; failure to comply results in a mandated visit to Room 101*. Deadspin will cover any developments that happen in the 6th to 498th divisions.
10th division?
That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.
In other words, Kim Kardashian is that annoying “friend” from high school who changes their relationship status to “it’s complicated” for a day in hopes of getting a lot of attention, then they change it back the next day. And this happens every few weeks or months.
“Look at me now! I got a hot body! Jealous?”
“Revenge Body is basically a show about taking people that not so much are seeking revenge in a harmful, malicious way, but revenge in the best way possible, which is a good body.”
was deliberately “sabotaged” to increase ratings.
yea, the FBI came out and said Mateen 1) was not gay and 2) found zero evidence that he attacked Pulse because it was a gay club.
Self hating gay man is a fucking myth. Dude became self radicalized by visiting many pro Isis websites and then swore allegiance during his bloodbath massacre. Seriously this is why we keep losing election after election!
“That is, until it turned out the shooter was a self-hating gay man.”
I thought the self-hating gay thing was debunked. FBI never found an actual connection with him being gay, but that he was cheating on his wife.