Too true - but it is a bit too much to expect anyone to completely change. And she had children (with and without him) before they married. It just seems ridiculous to find it THE problem now.
Too true - but it is a bit too much to expect anyone to completely change. And she had children (with and without him) before they married. It just seems ridiculous to find it THE problem now.
Brad Pitt was a stoner when she married him.
Pretty much. He’s pretty relatable in interviews and concerts. The women want him in bed, and the guys want to go for a beer with him. He’s not all mysterious and removed from us common plebes like some.
Okay- I’ve never thought of Bon Jovi as a ‘working man’s rock star’ type figure. Is that a common perception?
I didn’t like Springsteen in the 80's when I was a young teenager. Then I grew up, started to thinking discerningly for myself, and realised that not only is he an amazingly subversive artist, he’s a genuinely talented musician and poet in his own right.
Best part of this is you KNOW Chris Christie is weeping in the shower somewhere.
Yes, we really shouldn’t call Dave out for his hotep bullshit. I mean, it’s not like black people are ever female, homosexual, or transsexual, right? So why should we care about them and their rights?
Yeah, men who say misogynist, transphobic, and hateful comments must be given free reign if they’re black men.
My immediate response as a Black woman was fuck you, Dave Chappelle.
Once this election is over, I hope someone will do a study to find out how much depression, suicide, and substance abuse has gone up as a result of all this madness.
Right? My immediate reaction was wondering* how black women felt about that statement. And like— black people don’t experience the impact of homophobia, transphobia...?
Has anyone ever actually listened to him? Or did they stop at his Prince impression and call it good?
Yes, the DNC are in trouble. Definitely not the Republicans.
Chappelle was never my thing, so this is super easy for me. Here’s another man/hotep who’s anti-woman.
A couple years ago my mother informed me that I was named after “Jory” from the sequel to “Flowers in the Attic”
Well, I still support the dumbest cause I have ever supported. I’m just adult enough to come to terms with it.
Due to my reading of world history, I supported Communism for a year in 1990 when I was fourteen, long after its failures as a global system were becoming clear. I actually said things like, “Sure, Mao killed millions but he made his country so much stronger!” Now I am not a die-hard capitalist and socialism is…
When a mother would rather her child be in prison than gay. :’(
“The photographer, a cousin, showed one of the girls’ mothers, who called the police.”