An E! source told Variety that “full production has resumed,” so all is well in the world and the lightly-scripted foibles of everyone’s favorite sisters will return to our screens soon with little fuss.
An E! source told Variety that “full production has resumed,” so all is well in the world and the lightly-scripted foibles of everyone’s favorite sisters will return to our screens soon with little fuss.
But aren’t they though? Isn’t there actually only 5 episodes that just repeat because they’re all the same? I don’t and never will watch the show, but I have an irrational hatred of the family like a lot of Americans...
The term ‘pap shots’ will never not make me think of gynecological photos.
You’re making this comment on a site that regularly asks its readers if they would fuck some random dude political/public figure. Usually played for laughs.
You must not read this site very much then.
Yeah, cause women NEVER judge guys by how they look.
He wanted the lead role in Gone Girl but lost to Ben Affleck after the network wouldn’t change Mad Men’s shooting schedule to allow him to film the movie. Had he gotten that role it would have set him up nicely for a movie career.
The US movie scene just isn’t that great these days. Remember when you would check out a movie because of the director or the stars? I don’t know about you, but it’s not like that for me anymore. The only director working in the US who gets my attention like that now is Denis Villeneuve, and he’s not even from there…
in 10 years from now he’ll be on another successful show
If at first you don’t succeed, try 10 more Madea movies.
he needs to get involved with more adult movies. A couple prestigiousish movies would get it going for him to expand to a broader appeal
So thin skinned that he put a lighthearted, cheeky reply on Instagram? Yeah, settle down, Hemsworth.
Yeah, but Liam has to deal with Miley’s shenanigans so...
Controversial statement there...
chris’ life isn’t perfect because liam is the hotter hemsworth.
OO I’m so excited, more excited than when I dried myself off from a shower this morning. I take that back, drying myself off was way more exciting.
Am I the only one who’s interested in this because Ron Howard’s directing? Even if it’s only because he’s been trying to get a Best Picture win that’s something besides A Beautiful Mind...
Someone who doesn’t like her doesn’t want to see her in a/this film. Seems pretty reasonable.
If she can pull off the scat singing, people probably won’t get too upset about the blackface.