I mean....Kanye, Jay-Z and Beyonce didn’t come to your wedding to Kim. They went on vacation. That is a clear and direct message that they could give two shits about your wife or your marriage. Move on, Kanye. You’re embarrassing yourself, again.
I mean....Kanye, Jay-Z and Beyonce didn’t come to your wedding to Kim. They went on vacation. That is a clear and direct message that they could give two shits about your wife or your marriage. Move on, Kanye. You’re embarrassing yourself, again.
A lady at my office was wearing glasses today, and I complimented them. She was embarrassed to tell me that they were Kardashian brand, because she didn’t want to be associated with them. More power to Jay and Bey for distancing themselves.
Kanye has repeatedly threatened to run for president in 2020, and has said that he’s serious.
If I were Jay-Z, I’d be concerned that coming over to Kim and Kanye’s house would mean I’d unwittingly signed myself up to appear in KUWTK.
You are 100% correct! They both have clinical narcissism. Textbook cases.
☝️️ Same!
Kanye and Donald Trump seem to have the same personality disorder.
that oversized head is still too small, in my opinion.
Yeah, I’m good with that. As a mere peon civilian I have no interest in hanging out with Kanye West, so I can’t imagine why Bey or Jay would want to.
No shit. I would not let my daughter anywhere near that family.
Kanye’s next move will be to release a visual album a’la Lemonade. Errybody mad at Jay.
I don’t know how many ways Jay can make it plain that Kanye is just an artist to him. There has been so many things Jay did over the years. “Death to Autotune” was practically a bullet through 808's and Heartbreak.
I........really don’t think I’d want to hang out with Kanye either. There are parents you just keep at arm’s length, even if the kid may be a delight.
In fairness my image is neither crafted nor polished, and I don’t really want to be associated with Kim or the Kardashian brand, either.
I think he’ll always be the friend that cares more. And you know Jay and Beyonce will never want to be associated with Kim or the Kardashian brand. They’re image is too crafted and polished for that.
Leaving aside the rest of this mess, he’s not wrong about that Lady Gaga song.
By “kids,” of course, I mean boys. Girls don’t seem to register on Lanza’s radar. Maybe it has something to do with the environment he lives in.
Other than the gendered language and the emphasis on “hacking” playtime, what exactly is the issue with this? He’s a parent who saw a problem with the trend towards helicopter parenting and chose to do something about it. If he didn’t seem like such a massive douche, I’m not sure what there’d be to complain about.
Tottenham are undefeated. And still behind Arsenal.