
It's been years since I've seen that episode but wham, that and youtube take me right back.

This is one of those times I hate not living in NY.

I'm probably one of the few who liked Galactica's ending. I understand why folks didn't like it though.

Exactly! I'll be on and taking it to the enemy!

Perfect bread is within our grasp!

The mortuary industry has profited from the wars, the pharmaceutical industry has profited from general anxiety, and the restaurant industry is profiting from hunger!

That always bugged me about star trek, when they'd beam right into someone's living room basically. I can always imagine interior decorators in the 24th century finding this a serious problem. They go to all the trouble to get a house done so that when you walk through the doors it takes your breath away and then

I hope so. branching levels, hopefully different endings altogether: not just same level, same boss, different movie.

We need to call it Tokyo 2, just so we can spur Geofront Development in Hakone.

Actually, it adds to the image as a whole. Cute miko are Cute miko, 'nuff said. But snow, well it makes everything better till it gets dirty and icky.

Political muckity muckity muck, etc...

Zombies vs. Klingons would be awesome to see. The gates of Gre'Thor smashed open and the dishonoured rise to slay the living and see them drown in the river of blood. When there is no more room in Gre'Thor the dead will walk on Qo'noS!

I've been playing on PS3, and the only issues a couple of kicks, maybe 3 at the most, and the shoddy VOIP. Well it was shoddy day 1, and I've no clue if it's improved since the team has all gotten skype up and running.

But he can take on a Ginaz swordmaster?

That's all I saw of it at PAX, hope it really isn't all that is.

I'm with you on that. Playing FPSs on PCs, I don't panic as much, it's just move here, aim there do that. But with a controller, man... the panic, that crazy fight between brain and thumbs and sticks. Move but don't over compensate, and then re-adjust, all while trying not to end up full of holes myself. And

Geez, this makes me realize two things:

already in. People wondering if this is worth it should just rummage through their couch or forgo a cup of coffee for today to make up the difference.

But how do they charge their phones? Do chargers get smuggled in the same way, or are DIY solutions at work here...

I'd need to work out some sort of hierarchical conditioning first and the techniques needed to imprint it on to my own "machine code" first before I let loose a slew of digital copies of myself. I need my digital copies to work together with themselves and with me for our own collective greater goals.