
Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!

What the fuck did I just read?


I have him in a points-based fantasy baseball league. I paid almost $70 of a $200 budget. He missed 2 months. He’s still top 10 in points scored....

Oh buddy, how wrong you are.

2. Getting Hit by a Car.

“Some of y’all can count TO TEN?!”

Stay white, and you’ll be alright.

“Honestly, yeah it’s terrible,” Paul said about his neighbors’ complaints. “It’s a bad situation. No, I feel bad for them, for sure. There’s nothing we can do, though. The Jake Paulers [Paul’s fans] are the strongest army out there. Dab.” And then he dabbed.

“former Vine star” explains so, so much about this.

And then he dabbed.

To me, this is just called “sex.”

Pretty sure there’s an unwritten rule somewhere about pretending to be a priest so you can have a burial for a teammates glove. I hope McCann gets plunked in his next at bat.

on the bright side, we should all be dead by then

counterpoint: Make a big sand dick for your sand hole. This is one I made in 2003.

Hole-digging is outlawed at my beach because of a couple of kids who tried connecting two holes and died. They literally have beach police who will come around who will stop you if your hole gets to any decent size and they will fill in your hole.

Exactly. I hate to name-drop, but [Ryan] Fitzpatrick is still playing!?