
This should not be surprising. The porn industry never decided or accepted the idea that James Deen was a rapist. Sure there were grumblings, and his star lost some of its lustre. But generally, the consensus was that they would still work with him and Deen has been working consistently since the accusations were

Progressive, maybe, but she’s also, like, not good at her job. She completely bungled the Freddie Gray prosecution.

Jermaine, just do what you do when you did what you did to GTFO.  

“Can’t you just let his corpse collect royalties in peace?”

My sister and wife were going to get prairie dresses, but they died of cholera.

I feel like this sort of argument can be made of any historical fashion, though. Also, it doesn’t take into account that the ‘settler’ style dress and skirt are also staples of many traditional Native American tribes’ clothing.

They’re dressing like their own great-great-grandmothers, in a claim, conscious or not, to a racialized and gendered history.

Kids NEED outlets. This is why recess is vital, a chance to reset their brains and not get burned out over the day, a time to run out that energy build up.

Hard agree, although I do think that PE every day of the year is a bit of a stretch—at that point, if you’re so concerned about kids getting movement, health benefits, and play in their day, why not reintroduce daily recess for older children? We rotated PE with music/an extra science class/health/art/leadership

Music class sucked.

I believe the quote was “we’re not a problem oriented company we’re a solutions oriented company”.

I grew up in El Paso (right across the border). I do not know of ANY first generation Americans that do not speak English. None. Yes, they also spoke Spanish (me included), but to say “... make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English” is the absolutely stupidest thing I have heard today.

for people saying crews should have hit the guy. do some math. a large, powerful black guy strikes a wealthy, physically unimposing white guy who has massive pull in the industry. in a his word against mine situation. Now, do i need to carry the two for you? i’m white and i see it, nobody would believe crews, they

“No—I don’t forgive you for what you did.”—Portia Clark

Thanks for your comments. I’m going to disagree for the reasons stated in my other responses.

Good essay.

This might be unfair of me to paint them with a broad brush but from what I experienced with places like this, they just don’t give a shit. My dad had to go to a long term acute care hospital and when my dad, along with my sister and I, tried to tell them that he was getting significantly worse fast, they said we were

Yeah, I’ve seen comments online wondering why she’s been kept alive so long if she’s in a completely vegetative/comatose state. I’m thinking it may be a response to that.

They’re investigating that now, but the biggest case for them not noticing was that her being in that state so long saw organs shift and shrink, creating a cavity for the fetus. Additionally she’s undergone surgeries for bowel obstructions which leave scar tissue inside. Any bulges can be mistaken for that, which in

There’s a culture that protects abusers. Noah Galvin joked (insensitively, IMO) about what was just common wisdom about Singer and he was quickly made to apologize, that part of the interview was deleted from the website and there were immediate rumors that his show might be cancelled because of the interview (it was