
Its a last name.

Jump the Snake River!

Woo Hoo. More square 4 two strokes.

The difference in a flat vs boxer is in how the pistons are attached to the crank. In a boxer the opposing pistons travel in tandem in opposite directions. Pistons in a flat  engine do not.

Chevy Suburbang deserves all the stars  

You have a point. I would suggest that motorcyclists in their 30s-40s might be the best. They have out grown earlier life idiocy, and their survival indicates good situational awareness.

Beat me to it.

It is an unusual car, but keep looking at it. The styling is may grow on you

Never stop being you Torch.

I’d still like to see a desert rose pink.

1st Gen Fiero maybe.

A RAD time was had by all who attended.

RADwood was awesome. It helped me figure something out. We need more louvers. There are no longer enough louvers on cars.

Right bramd, but I’m tempted by the cactus.

We don’t need power steering we need lighter cars.

I live in Sacramento, and speak from experience heat is way more important than a.c. especially if you have no door seals.

Torch even has one so he should be on board with it.

Torchopnik is the best Jalopnik.