
"Today there are dozens of contemporary sans serif typefaces that improve the performance and aesthetics of Helvetica but yet some designers still hold on to it as if it were the ultimate typeface."

Sounds familiar.

As I was reading this, the first thing that came to mind was a memory I have of someone saying something to the tune of how evolution can't explain the eye.

Because Einstein said that mass is directly related to energy, it is assumed that very little energy is required to produce these axions.

I'd say BMW has the best "cool" factor if you take the entire campus into account, but for pure history I'd have to agree Mercedes is the best.

The second sentence in the quote reminds me of presidential primary races (the Republican one in particular, if only because it's the most recent).

Southern Germany. Last summer, a friend and I spent some time in Munich, which included a trip to the BMW headquarters, and then we took about a three-hour train ride to Stuttgart and saw Mercedes and Porsche.

And Mercedes, though there's not much else to do in Stuttgart. You'd be better off going to see BMW in Munich.

My thoughts exactly.

What I find most interesting about that Fast Company article is that the first picture they use is from an automaker not using the tech.

My personal favorite art car.

Jalopnik: Drive Free or Die (and have nothing happen afterward)

This post. Sheesh.

To be fair, this is how most people wake up after a night of Coors Light.

I was just thinking the other day how one of these would be a steal for an enthusiast-minded individual. Good pick.

That is a very Mazda-esque grin.

Aw, man, this picture just makes me sad.

Is anybody else getting an Ender's Game Battle Room feel from this?

The Assassin's Creed games that come out, the more tempted I am to finally plow through the first one so I can move onto the other, better ones.

So one vacant intern spot and your Photoshop images go straight to hell?