
Isn't one of the main bad guys in MW2 American? The old military guy that you kill at the very end. Also I'm pretty sure I've been killing a whole bunch of Americans in Crysis 2.

I'd like to point something out: this Best Buy he's camped out in front of is a 24-hour store.

This is why 0-60 was so awesome - namely, a lack of these bullshit reviews and a surplus of genuinely original material. As it stands now, MotorTrend, Car and Driver, Automobile, and Road and Track may as well just use do their best GM impression and put the same exact articles in each magazine.

When I right click the image to save it it is recognized as a link and not an image.

I just got this issue today, and my first thought at the cover was that 1) she is attractive 2) this is a play on Rosie the Riveter, which makes sense given the theme of the magazine is DIY.

I would, WOULD, post a screen shot of the io9 tag next to the story, but for whatever reason I can only upload pictures using links as opposed to being able to upload a picture from my file.

For whatever reason this picture shows up as a link to my computer as opposed to a picture, meaning I can't save it to make it my wallpaper.

FACT: This image has more relevance to Kotaku than this story.

Yes, it requires a Gold subscription.

What, no Huarya joke?

Maybe he does have something, because Tweetdeck hasn't been able to load in my browser for a couple of days now.

Having experience writing with newspapers, I have to say there have been times when the copy editors missed something in the print edition that was then fixed in the online version, so that statement doesn't surprise me. The only thing I really see wrong here is if they did so at the request of advertisers.

One of the mechanics at the auto shop I go to has one of these. He told me only mechanics should own one because paying for someone else to maintain it would require a second mortgage.

If Chrysler wanted us to remember "style" and "arriving" the way its commercials imply, they need to design cars that have that same kind of presence. American auto companies updated 60s muscle cars - why not do that with the 50s big sedans that gave Chrysler its name?

Argh, if only I could still upload images from my file instead of just using a link.

Um, well, the thing is this [] was done about five years ago and is significantly more awesome.

There are very few games that I buy with the express purpose of playing the multi-player portion long after I've beaten the single player - games like Call of Duty and Battlefield. Games like Skate, Grand Theft Auto, Saint's Row, or even Gears of War don't appeal to me from a multi-player stand point but I still buy,

Would FTC regulations apply to a company in Canada? I realize Bioware is owned by Americans but it still operated out of the country.

Only if you use it with Visual Basic.