
Portal or Half-Life 2? Uggghhh

Having to choose between Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda kills me.

I still maintain that Project Gotham Racing 2 had one of the best online communities of any game.

More than anything this trailer makes me want to go back and play Reach some more because it reminds of the utter chaos that defines the multiplayer.

I'm actually really happy y'all put this together. Since I started reading Jalopnik in '09, I missed out on some of these stories and it's kind of exciting to be able to read them now.

This happens to me immediately following the holiday season, though I think March and beyond will offer some great games to get you out of the funk. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

It's interesting the tone of commenters here vs. those over at (who all pretty much hated this).

When did this run?

"Deprogramming" would have been better if the script read:

I finally saw one of these in person in Atlanta not too long ago - it's a very handsome car. Now if only there was a legitimate performance model.

I knew after about five seconds with the Bulletstorm demo that it was a piece of shit so yeah, I agree.

The patron saint of anything can't be some young whippersnapper like Block or Pastrana.

This is actually one time where I kinda-sorta agree with video games affecting real-world behavior.

@crunks: Open fly Wranglers, I hope. It's like these jeans were made for Duke.

@Mythos: You're absolutely right. In fact, I was going to say like this almost verbatim until I saw someone already had. It seemed like a series of technical demonstrations based around a unifying theme.

@discothreat: I'm really glad I'm not the only person to see that.

If you watch (or play and complete) the end of a level, it actually counts up the rings and uses sound effects very similar - if not identical - to Sonic.

Those colors are just awful.

Various iterations of the Suburban (both Chevrolet and GMC editions, before GMC's version became the Yukon XL).