
In a few months it'll come out that this was just viral marketing for Fast 5.

The speed in which I can complete a game is directly proportional to how much freedom it gives me. Bad Company 2 was dispatched rather quickly, while Red Dead Redemption is going to take a little while because of all the distractions.

I had a chance to play an early-release copy with a friend who writes for another video game website, and I must say that I was immensely impressed.

It's already possible, but nobody is going to accept a resume with "internet graduate" on it.

So how long until this guy has to kill himself? Because frankly I'm surprised that wasn't Day 1.

At :25, does anyone else find it bizarre and/or lazy filming that the person typing hits a few random keys and then the Shift key four times?

@mchex: So you're sayin' there's a chance...

Now playing

This only serves to make the ads for the original Bad Company that much better.

@Angel7ED: It has nothing to do with Transformers and everything to do with the fact that they've completely abandoned the core audience they picked up with Hybrid Theory and Meteora

@evoCS-Hench-Minion to the stars: When I was in middle school my brother's friend had a Mercedes M-class and would occasionally drive me home from school.

Chuck obviously didn't read the Airmen's Manual.

This only serves to reinforce how insane the overall track record of 6:11 by the Porsche 956 really is (not to mention the car itself), and how almost 25 years later nothing has really come close. That's a lap I want to be in the cockpit for.

@Piloter: It's purely an enjoyment of both an analog lever doing an analog thing and the idea of exerting control.

@Piloter: Listening to the engine works just as effectively as glancing at the tach should you know your car well enough. It wasn't that long ago that certain budget cars (I'm looking at you, Civic) didn't even have tachometers in the car, so the driver had to listen to the engine to know when to shift.

I believe the word you're looking for is hoonatic.

One wonders if cross-posting just the picture, minus the quote or any real context, on Jezebel would induce a similar reaction based solely on his t-shirt/sweater combo.

An automatic transmission.

Third video, :03