Robert Adkins

It’s controversial because it’s actually 99.99999999% are trash, right? Actually, probably 110% for me. Never saw a mobile game I didn’t hate.

I think the statements say a lot about the state of mobile gaming, but I think mobile gaming has been a cesspool for a long time.

Looks like a thumb that grew hair.

You know, I’m starting to think maybe I’m just done with video games. Or maybe they’re done with me.  If the devs aren’t awful, the people making their tools are. 

That man looks like a pile of slowly melting butter.

Everything isn’t about fucking money, you greedy bastards!

No, they said it needed to be immaculately maintained. They made no direct statements about being reliable. They notably even said that’s only a condition if it’s used.

2 BMWs, an Audi and an Alfa.

When I left Ohio some years ago, they had passed laws (ghost written by the power companies) that not only made it as difficult and un-economic as possible to install solar on your property and still be connected to the grid, power companies didn’t have to compensate you for any of your surplus energy they tapped for

Yes, but at least there’s no pesky, profit squeezing, government regulations about unimportant and ridiculous things like reliability, safety, maintenance etc.

But given the trajectory of the Texas educational system, those potential Texans will have to travel out of state to get a decent, up-to-date, relevant science or engineering education to help correct the problem. The Texas legislature needs to pass laws banning the crossing of state lines for educational purposes.

Well, look at who runs Texas.  It’s surprising that they haven’t suggested burning the elderly to generate power.  For the good of the economy of course.

I suspect it might also be an issue specifically with the way texas operates. Since they are not on the national grid they may also not have a smart grid. From what I recall, for California at least, high draw things like cars and batteries/capacitors like powerwalls, are networked to the grid (we also have AC units

Texas is not ready for EVs, and that’s by design because it’s an unregulated republican shithole that literally owes the vast majority of it’s wealth to fossil fuel production.

More likely they’ll have an explosion in the prison population, and they’ll use prisoners to generate electricity.

This situation has no connection to whether America is ready for EVs. Texas has an electrical compensation system that rewards supply constraints. In fact, EVs could help Texans through these times since they could (theoretically) be used to power a home during blackouts. Unfortunately, one automaker (Tesla) is not

The Bible never talked about electric vehicles. You must hate America and Freedom.

hey, look..... they’ve been installing air conditioning on houses for over 70 years... ok?... 70 years! it’s not like they’re gonna figure out the electricity problem overnight.... /s

It’s almost as if the Texas power grid is a steaming pile. 

But hey! At least it’s not Commiefornia! What they need is more Guns and more Jesus. Those 2 things will solve all of Texans’ problems!