Robert Adkins

The GOP are now, officially, criminals against humanity.

So far it looks like about 75,000. Most likely more.

It’s the simplest binary equation in the history of socio-political assessments;

It’s interesting how 1,000 dead Americans every day are “almost nothingbut 4 dead Americans in Benghazi is the absolute worst thing to ever happen. That’s Republican logic.

Former Ohioan here. People who look at Kasich and think “He’s one of the good ones because he disagrees with Trump on so much” have never had to deal with the by-the-Republican-playbook/Koch funded agenda shit he did to Ohio. He’s planning to run for President again and is making an attempt to look reasonable in

Yes, Trump’s not the problem, he’s merely the symptom.

Trump has praised white nationalists and racist. Trump has insulted military heroes. Trump has made fun of people suffering from diseases and illnesses. Trump has sexually assaulted multiple women, admitted to it, and bragged about it. Trump has lied continuously for years. Trump has failed to live up to any of his

If we don’t count the bodies, are they really dead? 

I feel like most of the people still voting for Trump are way past the point of redemption to even bother looking for the next “this will turn them” moment. Especially the people over 40.

I’m sure some of them will turn around one day, but it’s not our job to worry about them anymore. 

When I lived in DC, apparently Kasich would dine at an Italian place with his wife (before he was governor) a block away from my then gf’s place. He was apparently always gracious and tipped rather well. Aside from his pocket Constitution, that’s about all the good I can say about him.

300,000 dead and people still want to vote for Trump.

This is the dumbest hack ever. What they should have done is change the donate button links and let everything else look the same. No one would have noticed for a little while and they would have made some pretty penny from Trumpers. Sigh, where are all the smart evil people?

“To get hacked you need somebody with 197 I.Q. and he needs about 15 percent of your password,”

A few teachers and administrators were probably shown something fairly innocuous and they decided it was ok for the students - actually providing a different view rather than propagandizing.  Lazy teachers and administrators failed to keep an eye on things and let it run, the way some parents used the TV to rear their

Despite all the whining about elites and higher education, that Prager can so easily scam people by looking the part of a University does go to show how many conservatives are jealous that liberals are seen as smarter than them and want to feel smart themselves.

Its ethos is—and Prager himself has claimed as much—that watching YouTube videos of conservative pundits relaying the kind of talking points preferred by the House Freedom Caucus constitutes an educational experience

What is up with the bargain basement kindergarten toy trolls we’ve been getting?

Those assholes are pretending it is Tuesday when we all know it is Wednesday. What are you going to do about it?

This is straight up propaganda and indoctrination. If a teacher brought this anti-factual bullshit into my hypothetical kid’s classroom and assigned it as homework, I’d scream bloody murder until they were fired.

Parents being parents? It’s about damn time. Sorry that it took a pandemic to have parents involved in what their children are learning, and speak up when they don’t agree. Hopefully this is a pattern that continues to push the boundaries of education.