Robert Adkins

With the guy sitting in the White House right now? Seriously?

Look... he won’t even approve desperately needed FEMA funding and status for an utterly devastated by flooding area (that’s never flooded before) of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Why would this administration approve disaster funding for this?

This is the

... seriously? This is your question?

The power of a storm surge, which is hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of gallons of water flying inland at speeds so fast that one would have trouble outrunning it in a speedy car are incredible on their own.

Coupled with wind speeds at more than twice what most people drive on


The game is regularly played in decimals of mm. Like 0.5 mm, maybe upwards of 2 or 3 on very non-critical bits, but I’ve been seen a print with that wide a tolerance.

First, I apologize for assuming the language you use, which is exceedingly common to white people, suggested you were white. Clearly, that was an error. I’ll attempt to do better by instead asking something like about how that sounds like something a white, privileged person would say.

I’m a white man, surrounded by

I am quite aware of all of that history created by Rodenberry.

Have you heard Nichelle Nichols story about wanting to leave the show and what made her change her mind though? That is an important piece of history and what she represented was very important too.

Trek wasn’t perfect (which was NOT my argument. It’s always

Totally agree. There’s way to many of my “fellow” whites that pull that shit. It’s embarrassing. I ducking hate white people.

Well, my dude, you did speak like a privileged, white man. If you wear the suit, you gotta expect people to notice.

Back when my empathy was... lesser, I totally voted Green Party to “send a message” to the Democratic Party. The message they got was, “Go more to the Right to try and win those Moderate Republicans...”


You have to watch it from the lens of the time, my dude.

Seriously... it doesn’t stand up as some perfect vision of what we see as morally right, today, but man... the stuff going on then that did point out how morally wrong the United States and the world was? Holy shit that was some bad ass stuff.

You’re referring to villains though.

Villains that the heroes foiled the plans of.

So... what exactly are you getting at here?

His appearance in Season Two of Luke Cage showed some growth in the character.

I do agree that the first season did suffer from the baggage of translating a culturally, ethnically less sensitive time period story into our modern times was... problematic. They did choose the right actor to portray the fish out of water,

I love that Farmer’s first response, “No, you are!”

LOL I want to buy all my veggies from that guy.

The Democratic Socialists have been having a MAJOR impact on the Democratic Party over the past 5 years. The Neo-Liberals have been fighting that, but... they are losing that fight as more Progressive Democratic Socialist Candidates are gaining more and more primary votes or winning outright.

THIS is what needed to be

Oh, you have got to be a fellow white person, this just drips with privilege.

Yeah... as an Asperger person here... Autism does NOT make someone racist, if she wasn’t subscribed to all that racist crap, if she never mentioned a color of skin and instead was truly experiencing an Autistic Panic Attack... Maybe that would thinly be within the realm of plausible.

I don’t have THOSE extreme of

Is it really though?

I mean... These Alt-Right folks bathe themselves in iconography that lifts themes heavily from “Interwar and WWII Wartime” Germany from a particular political party all while talking about minorities in the same degenerate manner in which the Nazis spoke about Jewish people... OH and their leader,

I still REALLY want to see this show... but... I’d rather pay $30 a season on Amazon than add another streaming service. 

I would think a true “Hipster Knockoff” that features new up and coming bands that also isn’t built around the original concept of a hipster being fake, might eventually... be well received.

I concur that it was also a mutual thing and was relatively... benign in terms of how divorces come about and are played out in the media as it pertains to couples like them.

He apparently, put that behind him before 2009, as he apologized back then for those previous tweets and has worked hard to move on.

As I understand it, James Gunn apologized almost 10 years ago for those tweets and has shown a strong path away from that kind of “Edgelord” crap since then. He’s publicly worked to build an inclusive and genuinely good and acceptable humor profile as a writer and director.

It’s not like Disney hasn’t made terrible