
and they wonder why every body drives Asian cars

hahahahaha i see what you did there

having nerd flash backs need to control the urge to quit work and watch lupin all day

ae86 need i say more

fuck that car its not a dart they should burn it

this better be an fr layout or im burning it to the ground. like a stolen Honda i just took a joy ride in

oh shit!! we got a bad ass over here

oh shit!!!!! looks like we got a bad ass over here

oh them duke boys are in a heap a trouble now

goo00dddddd zzzzziiiIIIIllllaaaaa is going to destroy the world

he made him an offer he could not refuse

wow i think i would have done the same thing i hate it when people take my space

are they all FR layout cause that a connection

the actor wasnt that good so the

bet super mans faster

hope she dosent try to sell it to jay leno then crash it 6 hours after getting the car and say it was an accident

thats why you buy a pos tracel or civic for like 500 bucks burn the fuck out of that clutch and then buy a 300 to 500 horse power mustang

i hope it powered by a magical farie that shoots pxie dust out his bung hole

thats why you make it so that you face book logs you in