
This is so disgusting when it would be SO EASY for twitter to personally monitor all content that comes from dudes and mras accounts.

Look, I love The National, but if they start playing at any wedding for any reason get the hell out. Kool & The Gang they are not. That is not wedding music.

I cackled with glee at Chidi going back to the almond milk as the cause of his eternal damnation.

Hey guys. Do you know any sites similar to The AV Club which haven’t been destroyed yet? I don’t think I can take this anymore.

A Talking Cat?

I’d rather have United Airlines beat me up.

Wait, when did passive-aggressive Lebron ever leave?

This year’s Best Drama Series *shouldn’t* be an unusually tough fight, but The Leftovers wasn’t nominated, so I guess it will be.

Back pocket? Like a barbarian?

You mean this? I don’t see why we couldn’t talk about it!

You probably think the earth is round as well.

She’s probably about as cool with it as the average U.S. Soldier is with the drone strikes that have killed countless civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You know what was, somehow, even worse than the first single off of Reputation? The second single. Taylor is dead to me until proven otherwise.

I, for one, am still reeling from the cultural insensitivity of not casting an actual demon in the lead role of Hellboy himself.

Why did you just rattle off a bunch of random Asian dudes? Wouldn’t it need to be specifically someone of mixed raced descent who is both Japanese and white? Steven Yeun is Korean if I am not mistaken. Same with Kang and Kyson. It is wildly offensive for you to just assume that all people from Asia are the same.

i love it when the kinjdom complains about cultural insensitivity in hollywood, then suggests casting a bunch of korean persons for a japanese role since they all look the same.

I think the writers were trying to be subtle and suggest that it was Baelish’s cynical, conspiratorial and incorrect assessment of Arya’s motives that gave him away. Arya never wanted to be Lady of Winterfell, and Sansa knew that. In trying to set Arya up, he made it clear that he was the culprit. Pulling the facts

I don’t agree with him wholesale, but there was an awful lot of back-patting going on with Wonder Woman.